I’ve spent an hour this Saturday doing one of my favourite things, reading. Some people call reading a hobby, and it kind of is if you’ve got reading goals or targets and you take time to carefully select your next book, planning the order of things being read etc. Like I do. However I don’t see rea...
Keeping up a daily diary is not as easy as one might think. It’s not as simple as just putting your thoughts down onto paper. Sometimes I don’t have any thoughts at all, or at least no way of putting them into words. Today was one of those that is truly exhausting, and it’s nearing 10PM and not yet...
Why does Monday always have to be difficult? Even though it is my easiest day at work. I have my lightest teaching load with only one class to actually teach and one meeting. The rest of the time I have free periods to get planning done and whatever other tasks have fallen into my lap that week. So ...
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