Yes, exam finished successfully :) now I can finally relax, 2 certificates in short term. Congrats myself
Tomorrow is my next exam . Not sore that I'm 100% ready, although one hardly ever can be... But what is interesting there will be 80 questions and 95 minutes only... blitz you'd say, and I say yes, it's not an exam...but we'll see
The day started as always, but then shock content with news of project cancelation and that was out of the blue. So tons of meetings, discussions.... And in the evening - studying, again... This is how live is passing by
Plans are great and even Napolionic :) but Sunday is for rest mainly, so not sure am I going to do... still need to study my second certificate
The whole day we were walking around Christmas rush... majority of presents were bought :) But now it is evening already, time to rest...I'll continue studying tomorrow
Started new preparation for a new test, the whole day today. But evening is with my sweety, so nice to be together
Just started my preparations again. A failure it is always painful, but I can retaliate
14 hours of prepare and hard work. Today was the exam, unfortunately protected browser crashed and didn't see the results, so need to wait now until the letter comes. By I've got quite ambiguous feelings, seems I failed but we'll see
It was snowy today. And nothing special to add, the whole day I was preparing for tomorrow's exam, tried my best, so we'll see
Good day, full of work, hard work, successful demo is behind. Trying still to prepare for Thursday. Tomorrow will take a day off. Today no more achievements though. Need to bring myself together, holding tight
Today I had to wake up and go home, which is almost like a working area, since we have an urgent task which needs to be done before the folks come. I need to finish studying documentation from yesterday and I promise I'll do this. I'll book my exam and ask office manager about this little closet, w...