I got a bunch of Legendary Pokémon on PokémonGo! because Niantic unlocked the rewards for finishing a timed research thing due to it originally having a bug that caused players to not get the rewarded Pokémon. I didn't participate in any raids but still got the Pokémon! This never happens!!! 🙌 🤜🤛 B...
I think I'm getting the hang of this. I think that the more frequently I get into a productive state, the easier and faster it will be for me to ease my mind and body into it. I plan to go through the chapter 3 review questions in my certirication exam reiview/study guide book in my next session - a...
Today wasn't as bad as it could've been. I got a late start, but I still did some tidying around the house, plant care, took out the trash and recycle, and got myself cleaned up for the day. Studying wasn't as productive as I hoped it would be. Will try again tomorrow.
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