Hey, it was quite a okaish day.....i studied for moderate hours but was still lacking behind the targets . So from tomorrow i will try to put more efforts since i have to prepare for my online assessment test for the placement too. And life is really getting serious since everyone has started giving...
hello, today i tried to take a rest or a day where i am doing everything apart from the work (that will help me generate money) ..i tried this coz while working or learning skill ,my mind was continuously burning out so i had this idea of doing this....but later the day i realized it was better in s...
hey....today was quite sluggish day for me but i just studied for minimum hours and the only motive was to keep the momentum for studying on the daily basis apart from this today was the day which taught me "not everyday is same but it takes effort to believe in yourself in those gloomy days since t...
hey, today was quite hectic and it still was till 11:00pm since a small concept of the subject i was studying made it a lot stressful for me but at the same tiime i learnt that : 1. it creates patience 2. if there is stress means we are on the write track since nothing comes easy. 3. no need to worr...
Hello Journal, this is my time writing online so i might be sounding like a rookie .. but the main thing for which i did not procrastinated for writing the journal online was due to the thought "we start from somewhere there's no perfect time and that moment is right now rather than to overthink" ....