Oct. 1, 2022

Let me in!

Class was frustrating today, but still good. Saturday classes are always a tough sell, taking two hours of a college student's weekend is like demanding they give up a finger in the name of education. So, of course, attendance is starting to become a problem. Nothing completely show-stopping, but 6 out of 20 students being out is still a lot, especially on the day where semester project teams are being built.

The students who showed were great as always. Lots of good ideas for projects and some solid teams with what looks like the beginning of decent communication.

But, of course, that wouldn't be enough strife for a standard day in my life, so after staying late to help some of the students with resume/portfolio stuff, assignment difficulties and advice, I went to the restroom before leaving and came back to find that my classroom had locked itself and my ID card doesn't seem to be assigned to unlock it. So I'm locked out of my classroom and aaaaaall my stuff is in there. Laptop, Wacom tablet, a bag of games we played in class today, everything but my phone. I had to call security to come and get me into the room and that's where I'm at now, journalling while waiting for the police to come and key me into my own classroom. G-dang timed locks...

Let's hope the traffic is at least manageable today, I'm not looking forward to another 4 hour drive.... Gah! I know my life isn't exactly terrible but I'm getting weary of things being so consistently difficult.

Written by MrPixels

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