MrPixels's profile

MrPixels's Stats

  • Member Since :
  • Sept. 22, 2022
  • Entries Written :
  • 14
  • Words Written :
  • 2746
  • Avg. Words Per Entry :
  • 196
  • Completed To Dos :
  • 0
  • Total To Dos :
  • 0
  • Level :
  • 7
  • Experience Points :
  • 4390 / 4900



This journal is part of an attempt to normalize my frame of mind as the paradigm of the last decade has been abruptly altered. Coming out of a marriage, dealing with the loss of my dogs, powering through a strange new reality that COVID has left me with at my teaching job, the anxiety and stress of surviving wave after wave of layoffs at my day job... It's bee tough. I've never been one for journaling, but I'm a big fan of words, so at least this works as a place to dump them when I feel them building up. Maybe if I do it enough I'll be able to look back at it all and figure out when I finally lost my mind. Or, you know, strike up a book deal once I've blown past my limits and have won a Nobel prize or something. It could go both ways I guess.

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Views: 267 Comments: 0

MrPixels (Lvl. 7) - Nov. 12, 2022

Views: 257 Comments: 0

MrPixels (Lvl. 7) - Nov. 2, 2022

Views: 234 Comments: 0

MrPixels (Lvl. 7) - Oct. 29, 2022