Jan. 31, 2023

Oh, this site still exists!

I stumbled across a bookmark of this page recently. It's fun to see some familiar names still active. I want to read some entries, but I always felt that it's only fair if I post something first before going to bother people with my comments.

My writing style - if I'm allowed to call it that - has never been compatible with journaling so don't expect any accounts of how my day or week went. I can never or indeed rarely summon the interest in my own actions to bother sitting down and writing about them. My interests lie much more in abstract and kinda philosophical ideas.

I spend astronomical amounts of my time mulling things over and over again. And it's not very productive. So I think I will try summarising some of my recent mindworms in hopes of laying them to rest. Also, I think posting them somewhere other people might read them should force me to face those ideas from an outsider's perspective and should help me vet out the falsehoods and bullshit from the genuinely useful thoughts.

Even if it's unlikely anyone would openly disagree in comments, writing publicly forces me to proofread my own opinion before posting. So yeah, this is my newest scheme against insanity. Or my newest scheme of avoiding actual conversation with my peers and the contesting of ideas and the embarrassment of being found silly or superficial in my thinking.

You have been forewarned, shower thoughts on steroids coming up.

Written by Aislene

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