Aislene's profile

Aislene's Stats

  • Member Since :
  • March 13, 2020
  • Entries Written :
  • 27
  • Words Written :
  • 15739
  • Avg. Words Per Entry :
  • 583
  • Completed To Dos :
  • 0
  • Total To Dos :
  • 0
  • Level :
  • 11
  • Experience Points :
  • 10150 / 12100




I am a Christian from Hungary. Story addict. INFP on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and an enneagram 5w4 for those of you that give merit to such things - Though I guess that line goes against show don't tell.
You are welcome to share your thoughts on anything I make public, no hard feelings, I'm genuinely interested.

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or just a tree hollow with some moss :P

Views: 580 Comments: 0

Aislene (Lvl. 11) - March 18, 2020

Latest Logs (view all)

CS50 Study Log

My Father has been worried about my current apathy and lack of motivation to do anything besides binge eating stories so he suggested I try Harvard's free online course on the introduction to computer science. This is a log tracking how far I get before giving up. You can also check out the course at this link if you're intrested:

Latest Entry: Feb. 9, 2023

Total Entries: 4
Aislene (Lvl. 11)