Feb. 20, 2023

Happy Third Birthday to AYearAgo.Today!

Today marks the third birthday of AYearAgo.Today which was created on February 20th 2020!

We know there hasn't been many updates to the site in the past year except for some minor bug fixes and server updates. Still, AYearAgo.Today is an ongoing project and there will be more updates and improvements to come in the future.

This site is meant to be a free journaling and self-improvement website with a little bit of added gamification. We hope this site provides you with the tools you need to record the journeys that your life takes and tools to help you get where you want.

Here are our three year stats:

  • 1355 Members
  • 2447 Published Journal Entries
  • 1111 Public Photos
  • 48 Public Logs and hundreds of entries

Thank you to all members for giving life to this website, and may we continue to have many new birthdays in the future!

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, bug reports, please feel free to message us either through the message system here or through our email at: AYearAgoToday@outlook.com

Written by AYearAgoToday

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