AYearAgoToday's profile

AYearAgoToday's Stats

  • Member Since :
  • Feb. 20, 2020
  • Entries Written :
  • 54
  • Words Written :
  • 9150
  • Avg. Words Per Entry :
  • 169
  • Completed To Dos :
  • 108
  • Total To Dos :
  • 5
  • Level :
  • 18
  • Experience Points :
  • 29690 / 32400



This is the official news and updates account for AYearAgo.Today.

If you need help on anything, please send an email to us at AYearAgoToday@outlook.com

Latest Journal Entries (view all)

Latest Photos (view all)

Views: 112 Comments: 0

AYearAgoToday (Lvl. 18) - Feb. 22, 2024

Views: 109 Comments: 0

AYearAgoToday (Lvl. 18) - Jan. 8, 2024

Views: 213 Comments: 0

AYearAgoToday (Lvl. 18) - Feb. 21, 2023

Latest Logs (view all)

Example Photography Log

This is an example of what a log can look like. You can imagine it as the log of someone that takes photos every day (these are just photos found online though)

Latest Entry: May 6, 2020

Total Entries: 3
AYearAgoToday (Lvl. 18)

To Dos (view all)

In Progress

AYearAgoToday needs to Update today's completed to dos so that latest completed is at the top
AYearAgoToday needs to add a way to remove favorites from favorites dashboard page
AYearAgoToday needs to I need to add favorites for logs
AYearAgoToday needs to create a dynamically created "timeline"
AYearAgoToday needs to add likes for logs and log entries