June 11, 2020

2nd quarter 90 Day Review (The Pandemic Review)

Yep, a global pandemic hit us.

I'm sitting here and thinking "which writer, storyteller or whatever, in the entire human history could be able to say this words" A global pandemic hit us.

Really, it was a mess, of course it was here since the first quarter but no one thought how bad will it be. Bad for society of course, but really bad individually also. MOST COUNTRIES (really?) in the WHOLE WORLD were in complete or partial lockdowns, people stuck in their homes with some strangers that they call families. Here in our beautiful 3rd world countries was like a bad cough, people is used to be at home or with their families so at time of writing is like nothing has happened at all.

But I'm writing in a really bad mood, sorry about that. Anyways, this is my review of my life in this 2nd quarter:

Johanam, you had ups and downs. Of course is not your fault, nobody is blaming you, a pandemic hit your home country and yourself and made you played Dota 2 again, wasting time watching youtube like a jackass and not doing most of the things that you wanted to do. We can blame the pandemic, let's go for that....

(kidding) I really regret it, and I can't blame anyone but myself, I am a weak person in that matter. When something external hits it's really hard and I could say that most of the people do this (I saw that a lot) but I'm not most of the people, I have to persevere. I'm not like anyone else, I'll get where I want to be and no one will stop me but this is a lesson that I need to learn and overcome it. Yes, sorrow, be sad, avoid your tasks and disconnect your mind so it can wonder and not focus on what you KNOW that you need to do. DO IT, you are still human. But please have that transition time faster, do it one day, one week at most even if it's the worst thing that can happen to you. Don't waste more time, do those awful things cause as human you need to bleed in some way but then heal yourself, with friends and then KEEP GOING as fast as you can.

Anyways, It wasn't a complete lost quarter, I did great things, read a little bit more of my books, wrote my first couple of blog posts (one was kind of successful), passed most of my classes! Made some important decisions in my life and got better at trading (at least I think so).

So, not a complete a screw, and I would say a complete success if I take my mistakes as lessons. But I'm not like that so I'll get better this next quarter  


1) Winning Achievements? Looking back over the past quarter, what are the things that make you the proudest about what you have achieved?”

I kept some of my productivity (at the beggining)

read a little bit more of my books, wrote my first couple of blog posts (one was kind of successful), passed most of my classes! Made some important decisions in my life and got better at trading

2) “What’s Hot? When you look at everything that’s going on today, which areas of focus and progress are making you the most confident?”

The confidence that I have about being successful with this new business. The steady decision of moving out from my parent's and the path I have in my career (almost ending)

3) “Bigger and Better? Now, looking ahead at the next quarter, what new things are giving you the greatest sense of excitement?”

Trading! Bitcoin breakout, New business (Doable), Moving out!!!, Real Piano classes

4) “What are the five new ‘jumps’ you can now achieve that will make your next 90 days a great quarter regardless of what else happens?”

* Working harder than ever AND FOCUSING on this new business.

* Connecting as much as I can with people for this new business.

* Remove those last traces of shyness in me

* Being more independent and showing way more responsibility

* FOCUS in a few good things (Business, Career, Trading, hobbies (piano, excercise, biking, running, parkour, ))

What were your key wins?

  1. First blog posts.
  2. 9 courses passed!

What did you learn?

  • How not to react to an external big hit

What has you most excited?

Almost finishing my career, I'm great at thesis

Where do you need to pivot?

My environment

How to approach my business

Given what you’ve done and what you’ve learned, what do you want to do in the next 90 days?

  1. I'll have my business up and running in the basic part of it.
  2. Investing in bitcoing slowly but steady
  3. Getting great at piano.
  4. Moved out from my parent's

What two to five jumps or wins will make the biggest difference toward your ideal vision?

* Working harder than ever AND FOCUSING on this new business.

Written by johanam

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