Well, I read too much sometimes. I love this quote from how to kill a mockingbird when the girl says "I don't love reading, just like I don't love breathing". I really want this to be applied on me, and actually, I've made this a process for me and one by one I have read tons of books for now and everywhere I can, I pick up my phone just to read. Mostly books, but sometimes articles here and there, and most of the time articles about development and how to grow as a person and shit like that. I read them because I really feel that they bring some clarity that, it might not be the same clarity as you perceive but is still clarity from someone that posts it there and many people read.
So, I came across this guy https://markmanson.net/ a really impressive guy, great blog, great articles but some articles really disturb my way of being. He talks a lot about life and the purpose of life and how it's really a rush that most people live. I love his point of being good and happy with what you have at the moment, but it's pretty hard for me to understand that guys like this, guys like the stoics and many other wise people believe in not pushing yourself out of your limits. I mean, the guy has made a book that it's called "The subtle art of not giving a F*&$ck" for god's sake!. I might be misunderstanding all of this, and yes I'm happy with my journey, I'm happy with what I have today but I won't rest until I get what I'm aiming for and when I get there I will place my look in some other taller and harder peak and so on and so on. Not because I'm empty inside and I don't get anything from my successes, but because I love to try new things and block in something and get it. I don't know, maybe I'm missing something.
And I'm sorry for the messy writing today, but I'm kinda confused with these writings. They are awesome though so I would recommend them a lot if you can read them!
I liked this one a lot https://markmanson.net/four-stages-of-lifelike
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