July 3, 2023

Onward we march, forward we go!

my space is coming along!! I’ve had some days that I’m only able to spend about 20 minutes doing something. I’m making sure to do daily maintenance cleaning in five minutes spurts here and there and then choosing another section to at least spend five minutes on. The harder I push, the longer it takes my body to recover. I’ve also incorporated a self care regimen, that includes daily working out, cleaning of myself, and small bits of quiet time. I’m keeping my world small so as to not get overwhelmed, and I’m feeling like I may need some one on one guidance to help me re-organize the tasks, dailies, and long term goals . I think my natural urge is to go big, or go home! And the reality is that when I go big, I inevitably end up home and done. Burnout burnout burnout, so I’m trying to not get burnt out this time around listening to my body, which is significantly slower than my mind. I tend to be pretty hard on myself.

Written by AvenegSllim

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