July 24, 2023

Work days are hard days

today is a work day. 8am counciling first, 9am AA meeting and then 10am-2pm is work. I've got all my household chores to finish before 7am so I'll still have time to get ready.

Tbh, l've never been successful at working, and also maintaining a household and self-care tasks. So my workdays are especially hard for me to get things done. I hit the burn out status pretty quickly, so I try to have done as much as possible the night before, such as lunches, making sure your clothes are ready, and that all the heavy chores have been completed so that I can have a couple of chill days that I only have to worry about work. Still, my stretching and mobility exercises have to be done every single day whether I'm working or not. I definitely have time blindness. That makes me feel like I'm running marathons all day every day especially on those days that I've got work and appointments to


Yesturday was a lazy (and yet, still so productive) kind of day! Cooking, eating, cleaning as I go… laundry and tidying up around the house in 5 minute bursts! I’m finding that THIS works best for me but means no connections with the outside world because I’m the only human I know who does life this way🤷‍♀️ I was able to clean as go so all tasks and projects are, at their very minimum, being maintained and at best, making progress!! THANK YOU HABITICA! 

one of my meals was a French dish with fresh blueberries cooked down with maple syrup and a dollop of fresh chocolate cream mousse to top it all off! I call it…. Wait for it…. FRENCH TOAST😉 nom nom nom! Was so good!

the other pictures I’ve included are of my space and how far I’ve come since I started this process! I’m just so thrilled with my own progress AND the progress of my beautiful daughter, Mayah! We both be crushing this life shit!

Note to dante the deceased: when you died, I thought I’d die with you. Mayah and i were lost for a whole year after your passing. But look at us now my soul mate and best friend, would you just look at it😉???

if ya’ll don’t know:

edd bassmaster “would you just look at it”

copy and paste the above phrase into Google or YouTube and check it out! Dante laughed so hard he lost control of his face and smashed it on the kitchen table because of how hard he was laughing. To this day, it’s one of my favorite memories with him❤️

sidenote two: I found this great mini dresser like thing on the side of the road with a big ole “free” sign on it. I’ve been needing something like this too! I live by these words “the universe does provide“ and when things like this happen, I know even more that it’s true!

Written by AvenegSllim

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