July 25, 2023

Another day in paradise!

Started my day with sidewalk chalk left overnight by the neighborhood kids. One of my favorite favorite things is watching them all color the sidewalks! Management does not want them doing it, and we often get spoken to about this. I say, fuck them, and their treatment of people in need. This brings so much joy to the children, but also to the adults who pass by. If you are living on blueberry Lane, you’re struggling in life! Leave the fucking sidewalk chalk alone for chrissakes, so I leave notes when I can, pleasant ones. It puts a smile on my face.

Part two: the fire☄️🔥☄️🔥

There was a fire at work yesterday. Meg and I were bidding a farewell to our last client and I was going to clock out and head out the door. I noticed a smell. Then, above Meg‘s head I saw what looked like a fire ball behind the wall. Flashes of light. And within seconds there was smoke, bellowing where the ceiling and wall met. How do I left on time, a very different situation would be happening today. The firemen told me that had it not been for my keen eye and thorough description they would not have been able to find the source as easily as they did. Thank you Dante for giving me the words and thank you, Meg, my dear dear friend, for still being here, and then, my life! I am blessed! Truly, blessed!

Written by AvenegSllim

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