July 26, 2023

Day three of three at the laundrymat

Today is another work day... I fee like I run a marathon on work days. Aside from the nature of working in a laundry Mat, I don't get to participate in any special interest areas at all on workdays and my chores Take them back burner, meaning I don't really get any energy boosts on work days. It's just zap zap zap and DEPLETED! Go home, sleep, wake up, do it again... three days in a row and then four days of nothing BUT appointments and special interests. This is my long, winded way of saying I want to figure out how to balance that. These days are just so so hard especially without dryers. I'm loading up in Laundromat clothes and driving around to different laundromat to dry them, bag them, and get them back to our Laundry Mat to fold them. So everything is wrinkled

• legit, this is

my nightmare! I cannot wait until our dryers are fixed and from there I need

BALANCE!!! God help me


That all being said

 the first thing I did when I woke up this morning, was throw chicken bones in a pot of water to start preparing a bone broth for todays fuel! And this is what I call “self care“ I’m grateful to be giving a shit about my own personal self. After 50 years of caring more for others than myself, it’s about time! I love the unique woman that I am, and I am enjoying learning all about her!

Written by AvenegSllim

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