July 29, 2023

Family time:

Family birthday party for Naomi and I at mum‘s house. We had an amazing salad, spread with chicken salad, tuna fish, and eggs as our protein and every vegetable under the sun spread across her counter, all chopped and ready to go! It was amazing! Naomi seems to like her gifts. I got her a gift card to her favorite coffee shop called Wayfarer’s. I can never afford much, but I do try to be very thoughtful about giftgiving. I’m much better throughout the year when it comes to thinking of others, but I generally drop the ball when it comes to birthdays and holidays. My giftgiving does not happen on a schedule! Lol so like I said, I do my best.

My niece got me some yummy, smelling organic soaps. My sister got me a bunch of random things, as she often does! I love it and anything from her it’s like opening a grab bag loaded with little trinkets, kitchen gadgets, and weird food items. My mom and stepdad, as per their usual, nailed it! She replenished my art supplies! Beautiful, big canvases, brand, new paint brushes, a whole new marker, set, oil, pastels, sketch, pads, big tubes of acrylic paint! I can’t wait to use it all! She had everything wrapped and tucked back inside this very cool wooden crate! I LOVE BOXES and especially cool wooden boxes! This qualifies❤️

oh! We also went to a silly crystal and gem show. The stones and gems were great!! All the witchy voodoo magic stuff is a bit hokey but still really fun!

Written by AvenegSllim

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