June 28, 2020

A chill Sunday

We didn't go to sleep until 4 AM, as we were watching some scary movies on the TV and had a little "fun" .

I woke up at 10:30/11:30am , I can't remember what time Boo said when I asked him as I woke up.

We were both tired so we haven't done much at all today. Which is fine as we both did a lot in the week. But it's now 17:10pm and all I've done is hung a few T-shirts up and folded shopping bags. I did start to put up my clothes for sale on Ebay. I'm just trying to get rid of them and make a bit of cash to put towards savings for the house. So far NONE of my stuff has gone - though I am gifting one top to my very good friend.

I'm just chilling now, listening and conversating with Boo about him playing his guitar and how to play the guitar / what the switches & controls do.

It's been so so relaxed today and i'm actually glad since tomorrow is my first day back at work after the week off and also joining a new team. I'm very nervous but am taking this as a way of "upskilling" myself.

I've also downloaded pretty much ALL of "CNQR today's" PDF's and am starting to read through them to see where I can change myself to become better.

So today has been more of a reset day. Maybe that's just what I need as my life is going in a new and hopefully wonderful direction?

Written by spooningwithfibro

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