July 4, 2020

Another Person's Trash and Tomorrow's Problems

Today my housemate and I got up early and went out looking for yard sales. We found several and I managed to pick up some bulk fabric which I already made plans for, a pair of free flower pots, a nice stack of books, and some next-to-new things for the kitchen for very cheap! One of the places we stopped at also gave me a free ice cream cone. I wouldn't at all be surprised if the ice cream was homemade with the area we are in. It was good and very welcomed. It was very hot out, but a nice day, so that was a nice treat. We still practiced social distancing and wore masks (aside from eating in the car), but it was nice to feel like everything was a bit more normal for once. Especially with how much I dread tomorrow.

I plan on going to sleep early, after cozying up with a mug of tea to watch Hamilton on my friend's Disney+, and then waking up even earlier tomorrow. I have to rent a moving truck and a storage unit and then in 92F weather move all of my things out of a bad place for good and into what will likely be an oven of a storage unit. I should look at it positively, but it's scary. In a few months I'll have to move again and by then it will be cold. I'm not sure which is worse. At least I will finally have my rabbit, Stormy, back with me! I'm very excited about that.

Written by iyazo

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