iyazo's profile

iyazo's Stats

  • Member Since :
  • July 1, 2020
  • Entries Written :
  • 198
  • Words Written :
  • 144440
  • Avg. Words Per Entry :
  • 729
  • Completed To Dos :
  • 194
  • Total To Dos :
  • 0
  • Level :
  • 31
  • Experience Points :
  • 90500 / 96100



☆~Angel Dust~☆
Dirty 30 | Your problematic fav

iyazo (E-uh-ZOH, never capitalized) writes about their experience being homeless in a small city and the problems they face.

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Views: 382 Comments: 0

iyazo (Lvl. 31) - July 9, 2021

Views: 370 Comments: 0

iyazo (Lvl. 31) - July 7, 2021

Views: 369 Comments: 0

iyazo (Lvl. 31) - July 5, 2021

To Dos (view all)