July 5, 2020

You Can Now Privately Message Other Members

You might have noticed a new mailbox icon next to the logout button, that is now your new personal inbox! If you have any new messages, they will appear in your inbox. To send other members a message, simply visit their profile page and click on the "Message" button. This new feature allows members to communicate privately with each other without having to interact via comments.

Some other updates:

  • - Log entry previews have been greatly improved
  • - Users can now update their emails by going to their profile and clicking on the "Edit Profile and Settings" button
  • - Photos can be liked now

Please post a comment below if you run into any issues or have any suggestions for new updates, or you can send a message ;)

Written by AYearAgoToday

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Posted On Jul 05, 2020

I noticed the new previews for the logs and really appreciate them. Makes it so much easier to see what I've already posted. Thanks.

Posted On Jul 06, 2020

Something strange happened. not really but, if you upload photos in an entry usually the first uploaded one will be the cover for the public page, right? Yesterday that was the case like always, but today the last became the cover so that I had to upload the first one again and delete the duplicate in order for it being the cover... Did something change? Or can you somehow, like, have a button saying "set as cover", maybe when clicked on the photo ro sth. Also it would somehow be nice to see the cover in the Dashboard as well, so that you know how it could look on the public page.

Posted On Jul 06, 2020

@Plesi` Hey Plesi`, you're right that the first image is supposed to be the cover but it wasn't behaving correctly. We have fixed it now though so it should work properly. An indicator now also shows properly which image will be the cover. Also based on your suggestion, the dashboard now shows image previews! Does it look better now? It also has a photo count too, so now you'll be able to tell how many photos you associated with a journal entry.

Plesi` you are one of our earliest members, so any feedback you give will be highly considered and high priority (this goes for any other senior members too). Definitely let us know if you run into any other issues or have any ideas for improving the site. As a feature preview the next thing we plan on adding are achievements :)

Posted On Jul 07, 2020

@AYearAgoToday yay, Thanks :) It's way more colorful now ^﹏^❤ And then when I later look through my entrys it's easier to see if I have added photos, or remember I had a good photo and didn't add and can do it now :)

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