Aug. 10, 2020

The Trail

Today was a good day. I woke up earlier than expected and (as usual lately) couldn't go back to sleep so I got up to work out a little as a warm-up before going out today. My friend and I went and parked by a trail and took a bucket each and decided to clean up the trash that litters the sides of the country highway. There was a lot more than I was expecting! I filled my whole bucket to overflowing quickly and didn't even make it down as far as I would have liked. The actual trails themselves are maintained and clean, so after cleaning up my friend and I took off our shoes and socks and had a barefoot stroll through the woods, connecting with nature. It was a very nice feeling. I like having someone I can walk around with in mostly silence- we were even trying to walk as softly as possible and just listen to the sounds around us. I didn't see anyone else along the trail. Maybe it was too hot for most people.

Added bonus! I found half of a deer pelvis in pretty clean condition. I have it outside for now and plan on cleaning and treating it to add it to my little collection of neat finds.

Written by iyazo

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