Aug. 24, 2020

Don't spend time in things that don't matter, spend it on the IMPORTANT

The important, that's a really heavy proposition. Nowadays just a few people know what is important for each of them, and just a few people take time for those important things. But EVEN FEWER people stop spending their time in the irrelevant or trivial things of life and put it in the IMPORTANT. 

I think we have to start working on this backward, stop spending time in the non-essential things of life (which are easier to spot than the important), then check what other things can we do with that time left and if is something that you wanted to do or something that you've been doing that you enjoy, that's important. And that's the thing, the important stuff is not something that you were born with or your inner-passion, as people call it nowadays. The important things of your life are built by your effort and after that, the love or joy that comes as a result of that effort. And both, effort and joy, grow with applied consistency over the weeks, months, and years. 

After all the time removed from the unimportant transferred to that effort, and experiencing more and more love for it through consistency, only after all of that, you'll know, for sure, the important things of life.

That's what I've tried to do this week. And discovering myself every day, how I like to help people through the phones and in different ways but also the selfishness in me with people close to me. The joy that I get when I travel, like this 42 Km quick bike trip to a lake in Guatemala and see, feel and enjoy new places, meet new people, hear new stories, and basically contemplate life in a spread manner, not getting too specific with each thing. But also learning by doing and in that way getting to know specifications about few things like my course in sells (which I think it is a magnificent art) or my quick learns and practices of financial markets, or even starting to learn new things like real state and more means to invest. 

Oh, by the way, I realized I really, really like Finances and most of the things related to it. 

Life is great, I spent several hours this week (more in my job schedule) watching some things that entertain me a lot but are not really important, I need to change that. 

Written by johanam

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