Sept. 11, 2020

Monthly review september (Shallow review, sorry)

Alright then, this will be my excuse of not doing this past two weekly reviews (basically this is the second one from sept 6-12 )

Sooo august, the middle leg of my third quarter. I tried, I really tried to start a strong august with some nice blog posts and with great intentions of following my schedule that I made at the beginning. Of course, the schedule thing as almost always havent work to much, I mean, nowadays I have little time to schedule if it is not classes or work, but I am still not sticking to some important things like: Reading, Writing, Music practice and Meditating. Also, my sleeping habit is a little bit over the place, not terrible, but not great either.

But it wasn't just a bad month for that, I would consider it a really good one as I got back to my selling mood and I got almost Q10K in August and I'm earning almost Q11k on september which is good. I also started investing in Bitcoin and is just an amazing feeling to actually Invest in something and not trade like the second quarter of this year. I am putting 100% in BTC as I'm young and I should just take the risk, It'll be a great Journey and an amazing 2021.

Writing got me bad this month as I'm trying to figure out what to do. I hope I can figure it out this month and start for real at the end of it or just waiting and researching to start very very strong next month.

My personal life is actually going a bit sideways as I'm missing friends and I'm starting to feel a bit alone. I guess Susan was more important than I thought but I don't regret anything.


Written by johanam

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