Oct. 5, 2020

Quarterly review (3rd Q 2020)


Ok then, almost ending 2020, one quarter more, here we go.

A crazy monotonous couple of months, with the new/old job, school, biking, and still keep going with trading and investing in general it was a pleasant monotonous quarter.

I wrote some specific stuff about the different parts of my life but here I'll just rant about the last 3 months.

So, we got use to covid and being inside is not as painful as before. For me it is but also has been a joy finding out about trading earlier this year and working on that as much as possible. It was so good that one of my greatest accomplishments this last quarter is having my first $2000 in BTC and ETH after the halving. It feels good, risky, and everything, but still is a good feeling knowing that I don't have my money in the bank anymore, but is there fluctuating according to the market, where I can see (and sometimes recklessly trade) the change the value of my net worth.

It was a very active quarter for me, right now I would write this year respectively like this: 1st quarter = Order, resolution and productivity, 2nd quarter = chaos, experimentation, learning (about myself mostly), 3rd quarter = routine, monotony, growing, (work decadency). And yes, the routine adjective means action, monotony means hard work and growing is the result of both. I fainted many times wich means going to my standard procrastination and losing time mostly on Youtube (as usual), but I tried hard, and I kind of blame the call center job for this lack of consistency.

Anyway, the other great accomplishment was biking, I did an average of 30 Km weekly just biking, went to Amatitlan, San Lucas, and the longest ride was with some new friends riding 75 Km. Crazy and such a great feeling for me. I might have slipped or loose track of writing because of it, but I don't regret it. Made me feel frugal and so free just riding there hours and hours on my bike, facing very real and present challenges like going up the next climb. I loved it, and I loved the excitement of mountain biking too.

In conclusion, it was a great quarter, not very productive (I would rate myself with 54% productivity and 37% consistency) but it was the slow beginning of a routine and the right path to push myself harder this las Quarter of the year.

Written by johanam

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