Oct. 12, 2020

Finished a Big Project

I didn't really do much on Sunday. I woke up kind of late (for me) then finished a little blanket I made for the cats (I got too sleepy to finish the last round of border the night before) and was still in the mood to do more crochet/knitting so after I did my illness journal and stuff, I pulled out the ugly sweater I've been making for my youngest daughter since July.

This is the sweater based on one that Harry Styles (of One Direction fame) wore to some concert that people loved so much, the designer released the pattern for free. It is so freaking ugly but very popular. It's also pretty simple if annoying. It didn't help that I modified the pattern a bit, mostly because I didn't have the kind of yarn it called for (chunky) but did have all of the colors in worsted weight. Which meant figuring out which needles to use. Instead of adding more stitches to get the same size/gauge, I used the same stitch count and made everything smaller since my daughter isn't a 20-something year old guy. The sweater is still huge, though, because it's gigantic on Harry.

Anyway, I thought I would just at least finish the button band I had been working on weeks ago (the last part I had to make before putting it all together) before I had gotten fed up with the project and put it away for a bit. Once I got that done, though, I figured why not just finish it. So I did. And it was just a big a pain to stitch together as it was to make each individual part. Probably the only part of the pattern I liked was that it was sloppily put together with seems and ends purposefully showing so I didn't have to weave any ends in--they were supposed to be hanging out. Genius! I probably would have thrown the whole thing in the trash months ago otherwise (so many ends!!!).

While I was doing that, I watched all of season 7 of The 100. I cried. This was my favorite show years ago, but I had started to lose interest around season 5. Although they killed off my favorite character (who had like 2 episodes the entire season anyway), I really liked 7. I know my friends on tumblr hated because of said death, but despite that, I really liked what they did. It felt more like the first two seasons with everyone working together towards a goal (mostly). And I cried cried cried so many times, especially the end of the final episode.

And as a fanfic writer, there are so many spots to insert some "fix-it" fic. No, I don't like that my favorite died so I can fix that. It's the first time I've been inspired to write fanfic for the show (other than the big one I've been working on for years) in a while.

I didn't mean to watch the entire 16 episodes in one day (well, I started them overnight Saturday before I went to bed early Sunday morning--but I'm pretty sure I watched them all on Sunday at some point). I feel kind of like a slug for doing that. I didn't cook dinner or do anything else besides work on that stupid sweater and watch The 100. I had meant to do more outlining for the sequel fanfic I plan to write but didn't get around to it.

So I guess that's on the plate for today--make a more solid outline for the sequel and try to rewrite chapter 42 and get this thing rolling.

Of course, I got up "late" again in that my alarm woke me at 7am instead of me getting up on my own at an earlier time. By the time I woke up enough to go downstairs it was nearly 7:30 so I didn't get any chores done this morning. It's now 9am and haven't even gotten started doing anything. My son will be back in here to do his homework in an hour and then I can't focus on what I'm doing because I have to stop to help him or keep him on track every few minutes. Ugh.

Written by justanotherjen

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Posted On Oct 13, 2020

It's really cool that you made that! I got a bunch of discounted yarn to play with because I want to learn to knit and crochet. I tried crochet and couldn't get it for the life of me though... I remember learning to knit a very long time ago and I'm hoping that with some patience I can pick it up again when I have the time.

Posted On Oct 13, 2020

@iyazo It took me forever to make that mostly because I kept getting sick of it. And I had to use so many different size needles for the different squares to get them to be the same size. Now all of my daughter's friends want me to make the sweater for them. They're like, "I'll pay anything." Yeah, no. The yarn alone (cheap stuff) is going to be $30 then it'd be at least $100 to make it. Handknitting takes time.
I taught myself to knit back in 2004 or 05, I think, when my kids were little. Then I taught myself to crochet after because one of the things I knit needed a crocheted border. I think crochet is easier, but I couldn't learn it until after I learned knitting (my mom tried to teach me to crochet as a kid, and I just didn't get it).

Posted On Oct 14, 2020

@justanotherjen Somehow that makes sense, because that's how it was for me too. I picked up knitting pretty quickly from what I remember, but I just can't get crochet for some reason. Maybe when I try to re-learn I'll get it. I know it takes practice too. You have a lot of experience to make something like that, I'm glad that it turned out to be such a success. Even if you don't make another, it's a nice compliment that other people want your work too- you did a good job! Honestly it looks super complicated with all of the different colors, I can imagine it would get annoying, but it's good that you didn't give up. Yarn is surprisingly expensive, I've noticed! I had been hoping it would be cheap so I could make things for myself and save money but.....nope, it's still usually cheaper to just buy something, but then you don't get the satisfaction of having created something.

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