justanotherjen's profile

justanotherjen's Stats

  • Member Since :
  • June 24, 2020
  • Entries Written :
  • 174
  • Words Written :
  • 141812
  • Avg. Words Per Entry :
  • 815
  • Completed To Dos :
  • 8
  • Total To Dos :
  • 0
  • Level :
  • 36
  • Experience Points :
  • 128200 / 129600



I'm a 40-something stay-at-home mom to five and now gramma of one.

I suffer from several chronic illnesses (mental and physical) that make it hard for me to do pretty much anything. Chronic fatigue is the overwhelming symptom at the time and has stopped me from literally living.

Before it got too bad, I enjoyed writing fanfic, reading, watching TV, knitting/crocheting, digital scrapbooking, and playing board games with my kids. Now mostly I just stare at my laptop but get nothing done. I literally don't have the energy.

I keep trying, though.

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Views: 395 Comments: 0

justanotherjen (Lvl. 36) - Oct. 26, 2021

Views: 408 Comments: 0

justanotherjen (Lvl. 36) - Sept. 26, 2021

Views: 400 Comments: 0

justanotherjen (Lvl. 36) - Sept. 10, 2021

Latest Logs (view all)

Food For Thought

Just a log of the meals I make and possibly eat. I have chronic fatigue which makes it hard for me to do anything. I save my energy to be able to cook for my family, but I've developed some other health issues involving food and now I'm too anxious to eat any of it.

Latest Entry: May 5, 2021

Total Entries: 133
justanotherjen (Lvl. 36)

Chores Done - 2020

Chronic illnesses leave you with little energy for things you enjoy, let alone chores... this is what I've gotten done while dealing with chronic fatigue, severe mental illness, and hypertension.

Latest Entry: Nov. 5, 2020

Total Entries: 129
justanotherjen (Lvl. 36)

Fun Stuff - 2020

When you have chronic illnesses, even doing fun things can be too much... this is all the non-chores I got done this month.

Latest Entry: Nov. 4, 2020

Total Entries: 122
justanotherjen (Lvl. 36)

To Dos (view all)