Oct. 13, 2020

Don't give up (giving up is a process)

Weekly Review oct 4-11

Dont Surrender (You are giving up)

Harder, Better, faster, STRONGER!

A few weeks with bad numbers now in my sells job and you start just to crumble down thinking that is just fine, any way you'll still earn like 9K a month which is fine. IT IS NOT 

You think that just working, doing some homework that your friends share to you, finding excusing to tell your professors, and dropping some courses while just watching videos and wasting your time is fine. You are giving up your dream which is creating a company, and you think that it's just fine. IT IS NOT. 

Giving excuse to yourself about working out or going out with your bike because you are too tired, your job is too demanding or whatever, and you think is fine. IT IS NOT 

IT IS NOT OK to settle man, you know this already!!!! Why are you doing it then? 

Yes, you are working hard, getting some things done. You are planning and building your wealth in your investments. But everything else you are doing it just half and some things you are not even doing shit. Why is that? Might be because you are still putting too many things to yourself? Maybe, but is something that you accepted and if you accepted it you have to take the challenge and work on it. You're not in the hardest part of your journey yet and you are complaining already and WORST, you are laying down and refusing to do what you have to do YOU ARE SETTLING, CONFORMING. 


Start doing the things that you NEED TO DO and that will help you to STOP DOING THE THINGS YOU DONT WANT TO DO. Don't leave room to despair, hopelessness, ambiguity as that will bring comfiness and more laziness. And yes, you'll regret it. 

Make the best of your time, this is a wake-up call. HERE, in the last part of the year, you need to start doing the things you need to do and be consistent. 2 simple things, START (execute) and PERSIST (constant). YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO. JUST DO IT. 

And yes, if it's too much, you'll analyze, be sincere, debug and try again. 

This week wasn't that bad, but I felt it as part of a slow downtrend I've been following, non-stop, just slipping down the road to coziness. Is getting so bad that I can't remember too many important things that happened this week. On Friday, cryptocurrencies came back up, that was a highlight, I won a pair of great headsets (I'm so Lucky) and I accepted an offer to go to the volcano

that's all. "Relax, take it easy, you're still young, that's your fault"

Written by johanam

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