Oct. 21, 2020


I was supposed to go to the dentist today after missing my last appointment. Now I'm probably going to be charged a fee... Michael thought my appointment (an hour away from here) was at noon but it was Jena's and mine was at 2, but he didn't have enough time to bring me, so I had to reschedule again... I'm trying not to be too upset about it, but my mouth is really fucked up and I really need to get it fixed because it's only getting worse. Now my appointment is at the end of next month.

Instead today I took it easy. Vaped some and drew a little bit. I'm planning to finish what I was working on later. Getting a full page sketched out took about 45 minutes, which isn't bad. Lining will take longer. I read for a little while and also want to read more later. Right now I'm going to relax and play video games.

Written by iyazo

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