April 2, 2020

The 22nd day of our trials

Today I got back to the habit of waking up early and it feels great. Sleeping in might tempt me when I am still in bed but never gets me more than a slump for the rest of the day. And it is a slippery slope. I get used to lazing around soo fast. It's good to be back.

Every normal morning I write here about the day before. It is not exactly the first thing I do, first I read my Bible plan which I also shunned these days, but it has become a pillar of my morning routine. I missed a lot of days because I spent the same time sleeping instead. Today I finally had the chance to write and to read everyone's entries as well. It was delightful reading Achaius's Bastille-vibe balcony entries, Plesi's cute stories and drawings, and Megawatt's new obsession with fried potatoes' calories. It is fun to read from so many different types of people. I was so drawn in, I almost commented on some of them, but instead ended up giving myself a lecture about how presumptuous it was of me to think that people should know about my opinion and feelings on subjects. Well at least I can rest easy knowing I won't become one of those toxic commenters that generally plage the internet as a whole. And I did end up mentioning how I loved reading them in here so I guess it is a win-win.

My eyes sting from the lack of sleep. Not that I had anything important to do last night. I just stayed up conducting my mental experiment about how telekinesis is the most overpowered superpower to have. The most I have seen writers achieve with it is opening locks or lifting boulders, heck even Jedi only ever use it in such ways though I should give them credit for force jumps, those are kinda fun. I have not found any that dared to put a little science into the fiction. If you can move big objects from a distance, who says you could not do it with smaller ones like atoms. Seeing how temperature is basically the kinetic energy of particles, one could cool down or heat up objects extremely. But even if we say that manipulating atoms and molecules would require too much precision and stay with the macro world, you could achieve super-speed without killing yourself in the process. You see the real problem is not the speed but the acceleration that comes before and after. It is not falling that kills, it is the sudden stop. Why is acceleration dangerous you might ask and the simplest way I can put it is by showing a simple model. Let us take a bottle with some water in it. If you move it around slowly the water remains relatively still, however, if you quickly move it from one point to the other the water starts sloshing around. Objects with different rigidity pass on the kinetic energy differently. If you push the bottle it moves, but the water deforms instead. If you change up the previous experiment so that instead of water you have ice in the bottle, you will see no sloshing around, obviously, even though it is still the same H2O in there. The only thing you changed is the rigidity. Now in case of a human body, it is not practical to freeze it since that would be just as damaging, but with telekinesis, we can bypass the problem altogether by accelerating the whole body at the same time and not only the outside. And if you saw a YouTube video telling you that running super fast will only get you bugs in your face, not to worry telekinesis got you covered on that as well. All you have to do is bring an air bubble around you. This will improve your aerodynamics and provide a windshield as well.

So was this worth staying up late for? Who knows? Maybe someone will ask the stupid ice breaker question of what power would I choose if I could have any, and then I will have an hour-long lecture to give as an answer. That would definitely leave a lasting impression. But let us be real. Superheroes are soo last decade. :D

Written by Aislene

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