Dec. 26, 2020


Slow day. I woke up kinda late and was too tired to do much of anything. I listened to the BTS albums that came out this year and thought about drawing, though I didn't really have any ideas. I did a couple of sudoku puzzles and played a few video games.

The more I hold off and think about it the more I just want to donate my stuff that I have just to get rid of it. I really need the money though, that's all that's really stopping me. I don't want to have to worry about everything and have this continue to drag on. Maybe I'll just donate more than I originally planned to lighten the load. Mostly with clothes and books. I have so much that doesn't fit me anymore since I hit my last growth spurt and gained weight on a certain medication.

Unrelated, but I wish that I could remember my dreams lately. It has been a while since I recall having any dreams. I'm going to get ready for bed now. I was thinking about taking a shower, but I might do that tomorrow instead. I really hate that we only have one bathroom for so many people. Plus we've had guests over recently because of the holiday. There just never seems to be an ideal time to shower or shave or anything and it sucks.

I really need to get back to drawing regularly. I was doing well for a while but then stopped again... I just feel uninspired lately, I suppose.

Written by iyazo

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