pokemon rejuvenation - 2021-11-15

Gym 1 – Venam [Poison] – Level Cap: 18

Winning team:

  • Duskdune the Geodude [MVP] – One of my starting NBWs, a caramel chaser for the Abyss of Time. With Magnitude, he can be really good, if he feels like it. (He often doesn’t.) For the winning run, he led off by OHKOing Nidorina before she could use multiple toxic spikes, and he was also the sole survivor/anchor, taking out Venam’s last pokemon.
  • Mango & Sago the Drowzee – Chaser for The Reckoning, our first real hunting team. We found her in Venam’s secret hideaway in the gym, and she’s our only psychic so she came with.
  • Arson the Fletchinder – Lead chaser for The Reckoning. Fast, flies above toxic spikes, strong against Venam’s Ivysaur and Whirlipede. Everything you could want in a level 18 pokemon.
  • Blitzkrieg the Litleo – Chaser for Rule the World. Inferior to Arson in every way. Sorry.
  • Ratatoskr the Frogadier – Our starter! Ratatoskr, Wolvden’s premier chaser stud with 400+ pups. No special effectiveness against Venam, but he’s fast and bonky.
  • Icelit Dragonsong the Mightyena – Chaser for Lightbringer. Another generic dps with solid stats. Evolves at level 18 (you love to see it).

(wow I just realized we’re all chasers)


  • Kazivar the Klink – A yearling chaser who recently replaced Ratatoskr on the Megalovania hunting squad. I was excited to have a poison-immune team member and then it turns out Venam’s signature move is strong against steel JUST TO SCREW KLINK. rest in pieces boyo
  • Wraith the Shuppet – Career pupsitter. She’s resistant to poison but her stats are so bad she’s not worth it. Also, multiple of Venam’s pokemon have dark-type moves.
  • Heretic the shiny Koffing – Our youngest pack member, a just-weaned losna pup, child of Sambal x Snowpiercer. Sadly she does NOT absorb toxic spikes (for two reasons: first, she levitates, and second, corruption prevents toxic spike absorption).

Ultra bench:

  • Gwydion the Pidove – Gwydion isn’t one of the Sun Stealers. He’s a chromium NBW befriended by Levi, and he went on to become stud of the Oakenstream Pack. He also has no damage and didn’t evolve by level 18 so who needs him honestly. (Though he is good at softening up wild pokemon to catch.)

Log Entry by Achaius

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