pokemon rejuvenation - 2021-11-28

Gym 3 – Marianette [Normal] – Level Cap: 30

HGR is also playing Rejuvenation. He told me rather dismissively, “Swoobat can solo the third gym.” So I brought my own Swoobat, plus Jackfruit/Moondew who are both stronger than Swoobat, and I got curbstomped. Marian’s second pokemon swept my entire team. Later, HGR explained that he used a very particular strat for his Swoobat. (It has the ability Simple, which doubles all stat changes, plus a +sp.atk +sp.def move. HGR also manipulated the enemy AI, using a Roost turn to get extra time to set up his buffs.)

After a lot of wipes, it was mostly luck that won me the badge. It was just supposed to be a test run for damage calcs; I didn’t even have my proper team out.


  • Jackfruit Cider & Moondew Jackal the Xatus [MVPs]: tl;dr: Multiple Ominous Wind procs
  • Havoc Song the Hariyama: Our opener. Can’t OHKO the enemy Lopunny. For shame. (She is faster, and on her first turn she uses Cosmic Power to raise her defense and special defense by two levels. Then she baton passes.)
  • Cryptic the Swoobat: KOed the baton passed Stantler. That’s something, right?
  • Ratatoskr the Frogadier & Wraith the Shuppet [LVPs]: Benchwarmers. Did not see action. Just happy to be here to witness Jack and Moondew’s glorious victory.


The fight takes place on a blessed field, which buffs special normal attacks by 1.5x. However, using Ominous Wind (ghost, 60 power, 10% chance of raising all the user’s stats by 1 stage) changes it to a haunted field, which boosts ghost attacks by 1.5x, makes them super-effective against normal types, and raises Ominous Wind’s proc rate to 20%.

Jack cast the first Ominous Wind. After she was KOed, Moondew came out and kept spamming Ominous Wind. She got one proc early, which enabled her to live long enough for a second proc, and then she just absolutely steamrolled. It was incredible.

Log Entry by Achaius

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