pokemon rejuvenation - 2021-12-16

Gym 4 – Narcissa [Ghost] – Level Cap: 35


  • Castleberry the Pangoro – Descendant of Raubritter/Jack and the finisher for the Lightbringer squad. Scrappy (can hit ghost-types) & 31 attack IVs. He was our opener against Drifblim (Magic Seed + Unburden). First turn, Drifblim opens with Hypnosis; Castleberry wakes up using a Chesto Berry and uses Circle Throw to punt Drifblim and negate all its buffs.
  • Moondew Jackal the Xatu – Moon bounce! Her job was to reflect the Aevian Mismagius’ Hypnosis, then kill her with Air Slash.
  • Trefoil the Ribombee – Egg gladiator in the first Games. Extreme glass cannon. Her job was to use Dazzling Gleam against the enemy Mimikyu, doing damage and temporarily negating the haunted field.
  • Vice Kyovin the Houndoom – Finisher for Megalovania and Vespertine. Fast, chompy.
  • Kit Montagov the Boltund – Chaser for Megalovania. Also fast and chompy (strong jaw).
  • Zoryk Crownsbane the Mightyena [LVP] – Egg gladiator. Replaced Icelit because I wanted a Mightyena with Intimidate. Technically LVP because he didn’t see action in the winning run, but y’know, he would’ve fought if he got the chance.


Notable others:

  • Lunar Dynamo the Camerupt – Eldest son of Raubritter and finisher for the Ghost River squad. MVP in the mid-chapter double battle against Geara, which was harder than the gym. Strong against fairy, used Lava Plume for aoe (when his partner was going to die that turn anyway, which was often).
  • Ratatoskr the Greninja – Used rare candy + reverse candy to get him to evolve for the Geara fight. He still couldn’t OHKO the enemy Alolan Marowak, smh. (He did like 80% damage.)

Log Entry by Achaius

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