CS50 Study Log

By Aislene

My Father has been worried about my current apathy and lack of motivation to do anything besides binge eating stories so he suggested I try Harvard's free online course on the introduction to computer science. This is a log tracking how far I get before giving up.
You can also check out the course at this link if you're intrested: https://learning.edx.org/course/course-v1:HarvardX+CS50+X/home


Feb. 9, 2023

Today I managed to fix a huge bug, but there is still more left. I want the sprite to follow the mouse at a variable speed instead of immediately. I had to figure out how to find the angle to the pointer and now I have to figure out how to do the actual turning part. It's a math problem and I'm re...

Views: 336
Feb. 7, 2023

Finally came up with an idea of what I wanted to make with Scratch. I saw a youtube video in which a guy was making enemies go around in concentric circles around the pc. And stepping in closer when attacking. It looked cool, and I wanted to see if I could make things run around in circles. G...

Views: 294
Feb. 4, 2023

I finished the 0 lecture, it was quite fun. I started messing around with Scratch.

Views: 283
Jan. 29, 2023

I half-heartedly listened to half of the week 0 lecture. There has been nothing new yet.

Views: 289