Today was really busy; but in an 'it looks busy but it really wasn't but it was but that's school' way. Part of it was just 'getting back into the swing of things' and having to attend seven classes for however many hours without ever really having a break. And then there are all of the upcoming ass...
Today was the last day of break - and to some extent, it was really the only day of break where I actually took a break from schoolwork. After knocking out the rest of the geometry notes & going over the most recent reading for history, I didn't think much of school. It was still productive - so...
Eep! I was able to check a number of items off the todo list today - got through three chapters of Geometry notes and a chapter of history notes. If I can finish chapter 28 by Monday, I will be on schedule . . . not like I was ever really behind schedule, but being on schedule for the second set of ...
Surprisingly, I was able to finish chapter 26 of the audio notes! If I keep up a chapter a day for tomorrow + Sunday, I'll be all caught up with audio notes. Finishing both tomorrow is a possibility, though. Either way, it'll be nice to have a near-complete second set of notes that I can continue to...