cataclysms leaderboard watch hub

By Achaius

Containment zone for all my ramblings about the leaderboard during August’s cataclysms event.


Aug. 31, 2023

End of month report! (tbh I did a lot less leaderboard watching than I did last year; perhaps I didn’t need a whole containment zone) These stats were recorded at 1 am, an hour before rollover, so they may be slightly inaccurate if anyone was up until RO last-minute grinding. The three big guarana u...

Views: 312
Aug. 15, 2023

Two-week check-in: Leaderboard is looking fantastic. Look at all those 2000s. Very robust squad. The big news, of course, is FrostWalker ascending to the leaderboard, as is his right as leader of the Sharpstone Pack. The second newcomer, Soulstice, is GrayEmbers’ NBW grulla. He’s 7y6.5m, so he’s not...

Views: 265
Aug. 10, 2023

BREAKING NEWS: Stahlhast broke 3K (he’s now wearing 3K glasses on top of his 2K glasses) and Esther had a hot date with him. 5533 combined stats, the best litter Wolvden has ever seen. The pups broke 1K! New record! Dzanek labeled them all R&C.; “They’re G7,” he said. “Who wants those cluttered line...

Views: 548
Aug. 7, 2023

One-week check-in! Karasu, the first of Rav’s kids to reach #1 on the leaderboard, has passed away from old age. That leaves Stahlhast as the only 2k stud on the market (until Silk Sonic hits 2k). The other noteworthy change is that DuskRaven has fallen off the board—he rolled for the first day of t...

Views: 269
Aug. 2, 2023

And we’re off! I forgot how slow it is to discover all the cryptids (and I didn’t expect to have to rediscover the ones from last year, although it makes sense). There’s a lot of speculation that the cryptid rate might have been nerfed. I’m unsure, but I encourage people to complain as much as possi...

Views: 275
July 31, 2023

Starting leaderboard: Fascinating generational mix here. We’ve got five Rav kids, plus a Vaulting Ambition kid (roughly age peers). We also have four Rav grandkids (three Karasu kids, as well as Armitage, son of Kavik Frostfang). On the extreme other end, we have Petrichor, son of Advesperascit, wh...

Views: 280