Achaius's profile

razanei's raiders

Flight Rising log. Not lore-based; just a place to post plans, hatchlings, and miscellaneous thoughts about the game.

Latest Entry: March 2, 2025

February acquisitions: [+2, -0] yo?? a chill month?? My fodderlocke seems to be sating my need for novelty, which is great. Though it is funny both my keepers are the same sort of blue-green…I am nothing if not typical Bought: (1)
- Sigourney (Feb 22, 15kt) [progen g2]: male dusthide | splash disp...

Total Entries: 48
Achaius (Lvl. 41)

food experiment log

Roommate pointed out I’m kind of in a rut food-wise. I order the same groceries, cook the same (simple) foods, and don’t try anything new. You know, everything I cook was once “new” and “experimental,” even something as basic as sauteing mushrooms and onions to add to pasta sauce. Point is, I can and should try new things.

Latest Entry: Oct. 15, 2024

Bowl omelet Mug omelets are a classic concept. Today I got to thinking, what about a bowl omelet? The goal is a perfect round egg patty that you can put on a sandwich.
- Coat bowl with nonstick spray.

- Beat egg in bowl.

- Add cheddar cheese; season with salt and pepper.

- Microwave for 45 seco...

Total Entries: 11
Achaius (Lvl. 41)

sun stealers

Chronicle of the Sun Stealers, a wolf pack originating in the deciduous forests of eastern Wolvden.

Latest Entry: Nov. 28, 2023

[Wolf spotlight: Insatiable squad] [The Reckoning > Rule the World > The Black Brigade > The Howling > Neverending Strife > Roundtable Rival > Insatiable] Our OG hunting squad enters its seventh generation with its highest stats yet (because three of them are RavenWalker grandpups,...

Total Entries: 71
Achaius (Lvl. 41)


Dream journal.

Latest Entry: Oct. 30, 2023

I was on vacation, behind on my hunts because we’d been traveling all day. In the car, heading to the hotel where we were spending the night, I pulled out my phone and discovered to my frustration that I couldn’t send out hunts—the interface was strange, everything was in the wrong place. At the hot...

Total Entries: 22
Achaius (Lvl. 41)

cataclysms leaderboard watch hub

Containment zone for all my ramblings about the leaderboard during August’s cataclysms event.

Latest Entry: Aug. 31, 2023

End of month report! (tbh I did a lot less leaderboard watching than I did last year; perhaps I didn’t need a whole containment zone) These stats were recorded at 1 am, an hour before rollover, so they may be slightly inaccurate if anyone was up until RO last-minute grinding. The three big guarana u...

Total Entries: 6
Achaius (Lvl. 41)

pokemon go buddy log

Fitness club all-stars: (1) Arazi the Haxorus @ 811 km, (2) Vincenzo the Noivern @ 693 km, Lord Frith the Tyranitar @ 626 km

Latest Entry: June 25, 2022

Lemme tell you what I’m NOT grateful for today: it’s Deino Community Day. Niantic nerfed the Community Day time back to pre-pandemic levels (11 am – 2 pm) and also nerfed incense, and there was a thunderstorm the whole time so I couldn’t go out. I didn’t get a shiny >:| At least I’m not the only ...

Total Entries: 47
Achaius (Lvl. 41)

pokemon rejuvenation

Playthrough of the fangame Pokemon Rejuvenation with my Wolvden pack members (and possibly other wolves) as pokemon.

Latest Entry: Dec. 16, 2021

Gym 4 – Narcissa [Ghost] – Level Cap: 35 Team:
- Castleberry the Pangoro – Descendant of Raubritter/Jack and the finisher for the Lightbringer squad. Scrappy (can hit ghost-types) & 31 attack IVs. He was our opener against Drifblim (Magic Seed + Unburden). First turn, Drifblim opens with Hypnosis; C...

Total Entries: 4
Achaius (Lvl. 41)

slay the spire

Analysis of my Slay the Spire runs. Not planning to maintain this long-term, but it's a useful learning tool while I'm still getting the hang of the game.

Latest Entry: April 8, 2021

Watcher 1 - defeat vs. the Heart: Apparently, the Daily Climb can unlock Ascension Mode. Okay, sure! My deck had zero defense and just kind of bowled through things at high speed. I used a divinity potion + Ragnarok to bypass Time Eater's enrage, which might not have been the smartest use of resour...

Total Entries: 14
Achaius (Lvl. 41)