Flight Rising log. Not lore-based; just a place to post plans, hatchlings, and miscellaneous thoughts about the game.
February acquisitions: [+2, -0] yo?? a chill month?? My fodderlocke seems to be sating my need for novelty, which is great. Though it is funny both my keepers are the same sort of blue-green…I am nothing if not typical Bought: (1)
- Sigourney (Feb 22, 15kt) [progen g2]: male dusthide | splash disp...
Roommate pointed out I’m kind of in a rut food-wise. I order the same groceries, cook the same (simple) foods, and don’t try anything new. You know, everything I cook was once “new” and “experimental,” even something as basic as sauteing mushrooms and onions to add to pasta sauce. Point is, I can and should try new things.
Bowl omelet Mug omelets are a classic concept. Today I got to thinking, what about a bowl omelet? The goal is a perfect round egg patty that you can put on a sandwich.
- Coat bowl with nonstick spray.
- Beat egg in bowl.
- Add cheddar cheese; season with salt and pepper.
- Microwave for 45 seco...
Chronicle of the Sun Stealers, a wolf pack originating in the deciduous forests of eastern Wolvden.
[Wolf spotlight: Insatiable squad] [The Reckoning > Rule the World > The Black Brigade > The Howling > Neverending Strife > Roundtable Rival > Insatiable] Our OG hunting squad enters its seventh generation with its highest stats yet (because three of them are RavenWalker grandpups,...
Dream journal.
I was on vacation, behind on my hunts because we’d been traveling all day. In the car, heading to the hotel where we were spending the night, I pulled out my phone and discovered to my frustration that I couldn’t send out hunts—the interface was strange, everything was in the wrong place. At the hot...
Containment zone for all my ramblings about the leaderboard during August’s cataclysms event.
End of month report! (tbh I did a lot less leaderboard watching than I did last year; perhaps I didn’t need a whole containment zone) These stats were recorded at 1 am, an hour before rollover, so they may be slightly inaccurate if anyone was up until RO last-minute grinding. The three big guarana u...
Fitness club all-stars: (1) Arazi the Haxorus @ 811 km, (2) Vincenzo the Noivern @ 693 km, Lord Frith the Tyranitar @ 626 km
Lemme tell you what I’m NOT grateful for today: it’s Deino Community Day. Niantic nerfed the Community Day time back to pre-pandemic levels (11 am – 2 pm) and also nerfed incense, and there was a thunderstorm the whole time so I couldn’t go out. I didn’t get a shiny >:| At least I’m not the only ...
Playthrough of the fangame Pokemon Rejuvenation with my Wolvden pack members (and possibly other wolves) as pokemon.
Gym 4 – Narcissa [Ghost] – Level Cap: 35 Team:
- Castleberry the Pangoro – Descendant of Raubritter/Jack and the finisher for the Lightbringer squad. Scrappy (can hit ghost-types) & 31 attack IVs. He was our opener against Drifblim (Magic Seed + Unburden). First turn, Drifblim opens with Hypnosis; C...
Analysis of my Slay the Spire runs. Not planning to maintain this long-term, but it's a useful learning tool while I'm still getting the hang of the game.
Watcher 1 - defeat vs. the Heart: Apparently, the Daily Climb can unlock Ascension Mode. Okay, sure! My deck had zero defense and just kind of bowled through things at high speed. I used a divinity potion + Ragnarok to bypass Time Eater's enrage, which might not have been the smartest use of resour...