Its been a while since I last type sth, I thought that i could try again this time. It has been a fine weekend till I got too frustrated and lash out on my sister who did nothing wrong. She cried and moved to another the room after that, that's also when I realized that I was wrong. I felt really gu...
8:11 PM The past few days I've been failing and restarting my fasts. I'm overall down 2 pounds since I started 5 days ago, which I guess is decent progress, but not where I want to be. I'm at 158 pounds now compared to 160 pounds 5 days ago, so it's some progress, it could also just be my glycogen ...
Realmente aborrezco el puto y estúpido saludo de "Feliz día de la mujer", me enferma ver las redes llenísimas de la porquería hipócrita de "oh sí, hoy reconozcamos a las mujeres, démosle una medallita hasta por sólo nacer". Odio, odio, enfermamente me hace querer NO SER MUJER, NO QUIERO UNA ESTÚPIDA...
I’ve spent an hour this Saturday doing one of my favourite things, reading. Some people call reading a hobby, and it kind of is if you’ve got reading goals or targets and you take time to carefully select your next book, planning the order of things being read etc. Like I do. However I don’t see rea...
I am unmoored from time and space, drifting through the void. Most of my usual weekly landmarks are gone: No raid last weekend because Dante was away. No team meeting this week and we’re working full remote. You’d think this would be good because it gives me back so much time. I save three hours fro...
2:25 AM (of Thursday, March 6th, 2025) Today is Wednesday, March 5th, 2025, and I was supposed to be fasting again, attempting to go for only 120 hours, but I failed for some reason at 40 hours in. This was at around 4 PM today (Wednesday). Oh well. The day started off well, already over 24 hours ...
My Fitbit has been on the way out since last Labor Day, when the connection between the band and the watch face broke. I could temporarily fix it by jamming it back together, but any pressure on the band could cause it to pop back off, e.g., putting on a coat, opening a door while wearing a coat (th...
6:32 AM (of Wednesday, March 5th, 2025) Today is Tuesday, March 4th, 2025, and it's the 4th year anniversary of when I moved to Puerto Rico back in March 4th, 2021. It's an easy date to remember, because it's also a pun, March 4th (march forth). To commemorate this event, and because I wanted to dr...
Today was a boring day. I had 1 hour of deep sleep from the prior night and got up at 6:40. My grandmother woke me up for a long walk right in the morning as I was not involved in physical activities due to my board exams. After I returned home, I went straight up to my bed and started to scroll th...
Keeping up a daily diary is not as easy as one might think. It’s not as simple as just putting your thoughts down onto paper. Sometimes I don’t have any thoughts at all, or at least no way of putting them into words. Today was one of those that is truly exhausting, and it’s nearing 10PM and not yet...
Ya es martes y ni recordaba la última entrada que hice por acá. Recuerdo el domingo haber estado sumamente irritable, malhumorada e impaciente. El lunes estuve en cambio excelente, sonriente todo el día, salí as compartir con un pana de la obra y socialicé vivazmente, compartiendo ánimos y alegría. ...