Flight Rising log. Not lore-based; just a place to post plans, hatchlings, and miscellaneous thoughts about the game.
February acquisitions: [+2, -0] yo?? a chill month?? My fodderlocke seems to be sating my need for novelty, which is great. Though it is funny both my keepers are the same sort of blue-green…I am nothing if not typical Bought: (1)
- Sigourney (Feb 22, 15kt) [progen g2]: male dusthide | splash disp...
Roommate pointed out I’m kind of in a rut food-wise. I order the same groceries, cook the same (simple) foods, and don’t try anything new. You know, everything I cook was once “new” and “experimental,” even something as basic as sauteing mushrooms and onions to add to pasta sauce. Point is, I can and should try new things.
Bowl omelet Mug omelets are a classic concept. Today I got to thinking, what about a bowl omelet? The goal is a perfect round egg patty that you can put on a sandwich.
- Coat bowl with nonstick spray.
- Beat egg in bowl.
- Add cheddar cheese; season with salt and pepper.
- Microwave for 45 seco...
A: Lequel de ces gars est ton copain? B: Mon copain a les cheveux courts et noirs. A: Est-ce que Marc est ton copain? B: Non. Mon copain est le garçon qui a les yeux marron. Marc a les yeux verts. A: Ah... Est Jean-Paul ton copain? B: Non, non... Jean-Paul est petit. Mon copain est grand. A: Mais il...
Practice and take notes of learning how to draw
More Chibi practice and somes lines practice and shape practice. Also attempted some doodles.
Practice spanish everyday, take notes of new words and grammar rules
Present tense Verb endings change depending on subjedt “ speak - > hablo/hablas/hablas” Yo - > hablo Tú - > hablas Él/ella - > habla More words! El maestro - > teacher EL libro - > book La escuela - > school El bolígrafo - > pen Facíl - > easy Examen - > exam...
I try my best to make a avocado bonsai on my own.
Chronicle of the Sun Stealers, a wolf pack originating in the deciduous forests of eastern Wolvden.
[Wolf spotlight: Insatiable squad] [The Reckoning > Rule the World > The Black Brigade > The Howling > Neverending Strife > Roundtable Rival > Insatiable] Our OG hunting squad enters its seventh generation with its highest stats yet (because three of them are RavenWalker grandpups,...
Dream journal.
I was on vacation, behind on my hunts because we’d been traveling all day. In the car, heading to the hotel where we were spending the night, I pulled out my phone and discovered to my frustration that I couldn’t send out hunts—the interface was strange, everything was in the wrong place. At the hot...
This is where I will keep track of my daily Word count for Nanowrimo