slay the spire

By Achaius

Analysis of my Slay the Spire runs. Not planning to maintain this long-term, but it's a useful learning tool while I'm still getting the hang of the game.


April 8, 2021

Watcher 1 - defeat vs. the Heart: Apparently, the Daily Climb can unlock Ascension Mode. Okay, sure! My deck had zero defense and just kind of bowled through things at high speed. I used a divinity potion + Ragnarok to bypass Time Eater's enrage, which might not have been the smartest use of resour...

Views: 625
April 3, 2021

Watcher Daily Climb - victory vs. the Awakened One: Victory as Watcher?! Well, sort of. Every day there's a daily climb with three gimmicks. Today's gimmicks were (1) choose your starting deck from 30 randomly selected cards, (2) regular enemies drop relics instead of cards, and (3) card rewards co...

Views: 557
March 30, 2021

[note: only going to record interesting/memorable runs from now on] So I had a few more Watcher losses (I still haven't beaten zero-ascension Watcher) and a few Defect 2 losses. I keep taking Coffee Dripper and then being unable to hold my beer. I had one Defect run I thought might go the distance,...

Views: 712
March 26, 2021

Watcher 0 - defeat vs. Bronze Automaton: geeeez who authorized 51 damage when I'm in calm This run was very rough, and I did the thing where I had to rest at a bunch of campsites in Act 2 and then lacked the power to defeat the boss. Choosing Preserved Insect + Black Star was way too greedy lmao (e...

Views: 538
March 25, 2021

Watcher 0 - defeat vs. Hexaghost & Watcher 0 - defeat vs. Hexaghost (Act 1 boss): lmao how did this happen TWICE who dies to literally hexaghost. rumors of me getting better at Watcher were greatly exaggerated The first time, idk, I just didn't have damage? Not much to say here. The second time, I ...

Views: 576
March 24, 2021

Watcher 0 - defeat vs. Time Eater (Act 3 boss): Watcher's a lot of fun now that I'm more familiar with the game. Went with a very greedy/aggressive build: Philosopher's Stone + Coffee Dripper + Deva Form + Collect + 2 Vaults. Cruised through most of the run, but in the latter half of Act 3 my lack ...

Views: 562
March 22, 2021

Ironclad 2 - victory vs. the Heart: All DAMAGE all the time: Limit Break+ (doesn't exhaust), Inflame+ (2), Heavy Blade+ (2), Pummel+, Whirlwind+ and Chemical X, and at the end of the game I snagged Fiend Fire for a big finisher. And, uh...Rage for block? Someday I will build an Ironclad who can blo...

Views: 567
March 20, 2021

Defect 1 - victory vs. the Heart: The run got off to a rough start. The whale gave me Blizzard (deal 2 damage to all enemies for every frost orb channeled this combat), so I was like "okay, I'll build frost." Near the end of Act 1, I was like "actually, Blizzard just sucks" and removed it from my d...

Views: 647
March 14, 2021

Silent 1 - victory vs. the Heart: oh my god, this shitty no-damage deck. (The damage was pretty much adequate through most of Act 3, but "pretty much adequate" doesn't cut it in Act 4.) oh my god, panicking and using Wraith Form on turn 2 against the Heart. oh my god, all these shitty useless Defe...

Views: 564
March 12, 2021

Ironclad 1 - victory vs. the Heart: First time facing the Heart, and I won! My relic setup was pretty busted. My core damage engine was Necronomicon (the first two-cost attack I played every turn was played twice), Heavy Blade x2, Inflame x2, Vajra (+1 strength), and Red Skull (+3 strength when und...

Views: 672
March 11, 2021

Ironclad 1 - defeat vs. The Collector (Act 2 boss): My damage engine was too slow. I was godlike once I got everything rolling (Vajra relic, Demon Form+, Inflame+, Inflame), but it took too long to set up, and my deck was lacking in defense. I ended up having to rest at nearly every campsite in the...

Views: 651
March 10, 2021

Watcher 0 - defeat vs. Gremlin Leader (Act 2 superelite): My first time playing Watcher was a total fracas. I felt like I was constantly skidding around, unable to enter and exit stances in a sensible fashion. I greatly missed Runic Pyramid + Frozen Eye from my previous run. Ultimately I'm not sure...

Views: 531
March 6, 2021

Defect 0 - victory vs. The Awakened One: My first Defect run! Won without any advice/suggestions. I had a heavily lightning-based deck, with Storm+ (innate, channels a lightning orb whenever I use a power), Electrodynamics+ (makes lightning orbs AOE and channels 3 lightning), and, for big scaling d...

Views: 547
March 5, 2021

Silent 0 - victory vs. Time Eater: I basically had a poison deck, featuring two Catalyst+ cards, a duplication potion, and a Runic Pyramid to retain my hand so I could Catalyst whenever I felt like it. On the last turn I had 1138 stacks of poison on the boss (he has 456 HP). that's dps, son HGR lat...

Views: 698