Saw a post on Twitter in which someone logged how many times they went outside (among other activities) in 2022, and it made me think, how many times do I go outside in a year?On a typical day, I go outside exactly once for my daily walk to the train station and back. On rare occasions due to inclem...
It’s warm in the kitchen in the morning sun. I don’t entirely understand how this works. Obviously the sun warms things up. But my thermostat is set to a constant 65 degrees. I would expect the sun’s warmth to reduce the burden on my furnace, meaning it has to expend less fuel to maintain the same t...
Rare footage of me leaving the house before noon on a non-office, non-raid day. We’re having a winter storm this afternoon, so I figured I’d better take my daily walk before the rush. Serious business. It’s 30 degrees right now, but it’s supposed to plunge to -8 overnight. The office is officially c...
On Saturday we planned to convene a couple hours early and have a short session because England’s World Cup match was in the afternoon. But Kan didn’t show up. Instead of Abyssos, we seven-manned Titan Savage unsynced to farm the mount. The Titan fight is so good and I remember none of it and got pu...
Lorwolf Early Access opened up last week, and a bunch of us from WD chat are trying it out. I’m enjoying it because it’s a group activity, and because I can click on things and watch numbers go up, but I don’t think it’s actually a good game. Gameplay: There’s a story campaign, but the writing is (t...
Roommate says it’s safer to be outside in winter. Reasoning: When it’s cold, people don’t feel like going outside, so they stay home and don’t shoot anyone. It’s got a certain logic to it. However, consider that I might not want to be outside either. The weather has been a roller coaster this month....
We beat Hegemone! Not too surprising, I guess, since we hit enrage twice last session. Unfortunately, I died and got a 1% parse. It was during Cachexia II; I got the stack marker and thought it was a spread marker, and ran off to the spread tile (with a split second of confusion: “why is numbers in ...
Great gaming weekend! Lobotomy Corporation:Control Department: One Sin, Beauty and the Beast, Fairy Festival, Attitude AdjustmentInformation Department: Grave of Cherry Blossoms, Warm-Hearted Woodsman, Porccubus, Skin ProphecyTraining Department: Punishing Bird, Der Freischutz, Rudolta of the...
HGR’s commentary: “In this game, all plants are fuckers.” To back up a bit: (Lobotomy Corporation gameplay spoilers below) . . . . . On day 6, my abnormality was Grave of Cherry Blossoms, who, as discussed, is kind of an asshole. He’s workable though. Employees get hypnotized, you spamclick them, th...
Currently playing a whole bunch of games scattershot, which I suppose is better than not playing them at all. === FFXIV: Okay, I’m putting this on the list a bit prospectively. I really need to catch up on the MSQ. I’m midway through the previous patch’s content, which is like months behind. I have ...
Canonically, here’s what happened: We beat Proto Carbuncle on Sunday. Yoshi P saw my logs and he was like “oh no!!” and in Monday’s patch he put in buffs for machinist. ty yoshi p “Those sure are some patch note buffs,” said Luis. “Casters and Achaius rejoice.” numbers said, “By the time we get to P...
I’m cold. I opted to wear my medium coat today, under the logic that it’s only October, and if I upgrade to my heavy winter coat now, there’ll be nothing to upgrade to later. However: I’m now cold. === Customer 1: Rude Dude I was in line for lunch when a guy cut in front of me while talking on his c...