00:05 (of the next day) I had a pretty busy day today. Well for the most part it was just the same as yesterday, except I got a bit more personal stuff done after work, but I didn't exercise. Actually I spent maybe 4 hours or so after work not really working on anything, and so I could have easily ...
7:35 There were a series of choices I made yesterday evening that lead to me wasting away several hours of time that I could have used for better things. One of those choices was that, after work, I wanted to eat dinner as soon as I got home. This lead to me wanting to watch something entertaining ...
23:45 This morning I worked on just setting up my new operating system again since I reset it on Saturday. There was still a bunch of stuff that needed to be worked on, so I did that. I woke up around 6 AM and did that for around 3 hours, so that's what I did that morning and then I went to work. ...
23:42 I don't know whether to conclude that today was a good day or a bad day. It could have certainly been better. Like most days, it was just an alright day. Nothing too eventful happened that wasn't part of my control. The entire day was of my design and I just did things I wanted to do. I did ...
23:48 It's been a while since I wrote my last entry. I think I've just been busy and pre-occupied with other things, but I'm starting off again, today is another Day 1 for me, starting over my journaling streak from scratch, and I think February 29th is a unique day to start it. There's a few good ...