☆~Angel Dust~☆Dirty 30 | Your problematic fav
iyazo (E-uh-ZOH, never capitalized) writes about their experience being homeless in a small city and the problems they face.
Edit, Context: Leaving permanently because justmegawatt is a raging homophobic vegan, won't listen when I try to explain what's wrong with his actions. I'm done trying to explain to someone so fucking ignorant how a cisgendered straight man saying "I sound gay" is homophobic. If you're straight and ...
I overslept again this morning. I missed chapel and alpha class. I thought I had gotten up on time for therapy, but when I went online my therapist never showed up... I checked the email and unless they sent me the wrong time I don't know what's up. I met with my life coach, Mel, after that who said...
Today I made the active decision to do nothing. Well... I didn't do Nothing completely. I just slept in as late as I felt like it because I already met my class requirements for the week. So I don't *have to* go on Thursdays if I don't want to, I guess? I would have waken up late anyway because I sl...
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