Tuesday was Paczki Day, a well-loved occasion because every year, Apolonia brings literally hundreds of paczkis to share. "Do you actually like those things??" my boss asked me, to which I said yeah. I mean, who doesn’t like jelly donuts? Apparently, the answer is my boss. She thinks they’re gross...
Project Deino has begun. I started walking Meracydia last evening. (Sower of winds, reaper of whirlwinds. She brought our latest winter storm, and look how pleased she is with herself.) She needs 100 candy to evolve. That’s 500 km, or roughly seven weeks of walking if I don’t find any more wild ones...
For the most part, we’re a tight-knit group; we’re used to doing all serious content together. But Kan is used to pugging all new content on release, and we can’t exactly ask him to give up his pug lifestyle just because he joined our static. A couple days ago, Kan walked into the static house pum...
For the past three days, I've had a constant low-level headache. I have no idea why. I rarely get headaches, and when I do, they always go away with an Advil; but this one hasn't. I thought it might be related to screen fatigue (which I've never experienced in my life, but I've also never quite ha...
(2/18/2020 1:05:59 AM) numbers: i have some good news and some bad news (1:06:20 AM) numbers: the good news is, my vacation was approved so i have both weekend days off AND friday (1:06:41 AM) numbers: the bad news is i got a paint chip stuck so far under my fingernail i can't get it out and it hu...
Another week, another raiding session. As we assembled, HGR said, “I remember the days when newbie joined FFXIV just because we were spending so much time on FFXIV and he wanted to talk to us using the chat. And now he’s our valued DPS.” We made good prog on Voidwalker: We started out by hitting e...