(Thursday 3/26): Rainy today. Somewhere, a small dog was losing its mind, sending high-pitched staccato barks echoing throughout the apartment complex. A lot of people were coming and going in the parking lot. Maybe they were all essential workers or going on grocery runs, but I doubt it. In the dis...
Nice weather today. It was 51 degrees when I stepped out on my balcony for my daily walk, so I didn't even need a coat. All of this weekend's snow has long since melted. I took a 45-minute walk on the balcony [steps: 5014]. It's good to walk. Nine paces is just long enough that I don't get dizzy. ...
We've finally reached the end of Eden's Gate Savage for our fated showdown against Titan, the Heritor of Crags. "Wait," said newbie. "Is he wearing a stone loincloth??" Yes, yes he is. As befits a final boss, Titan has impeccable aesthetic. He has blasters on his back that transform into a car...
I woke up from a late afternoon nap to discover BREAKING NEWS: Our governor has issued a stay-at-home order for the entire state, starting tomorrow. There are exceptions for grocery stores and pharmacies, as well as "essential business or government functions." Does that include my job? Who knows, r...
YES my boss called at 7:30 p.m. and said not to come in tomorrow (We're having a conference call tomorrow afternoon to determine what to do going forward. But my boss said "I don't want you riding the train." Safety first, everyone! Also we have literally no work lmao) (Also also, I am kicking m...
Leviathan is a pretty cool dude, because he screams "Power...such power...mine for the taking!" while taking a shower, and honestly, wouldn't we all like to have that kind of energy? Anyway, we beat Leviathan! We never hit enrage; on our winning run, we had about 30 seconds to spare. It was all ab...
Meracydia made a new friend today. "Hi, big dragon! I'm going to be as big as you someday!" At work, our office is a well-oiled machine. I attribute this to a few factors: First, Habitica has made me way more productive. Second, we've had a bunch of easy projects. Third, my boss's style lends itse...
After a few weeks of relative silence, everyone can’t stop talking about Covid-19. At work, Nat and Dawn were discussing college shutdowns across the nation. At the train station, a guy was chatting on his phone about how March Madness games are being played to empty stadiums. Another guy loudly pro...
I talk about FFXIV a lot, but actually I’m super casual. I log on twice a week: (1) after the weekly reset to do Eden normals, and (2) on weekends to raid with team. Last night was reset night, but HGR was otherwise occupied: he was reading a Chinese novel. (It’s a cultivation novel with an EVIL p...
Visiting parents this weekend, so no raiding for me. HGR is crestfallen. Meracydia is excited, though; she gets to ride the big train. Jem was planning to come as well, but he sprained his right ankle and couldn't manage the four-hour drive. On the plus side, he told Mom he's doing better at work....
A week ago, the MHO (Meisnewbie Health Organization) issued a series of bulletins about minimizing the risk of coronavirus infection through proper handwashing, use of hand sanitizer, etc. I allowed as how it might be a good idea to take precautions, since we have at least one confirmed case in the ...
The saga of Luis' dinner was the most exciting thing about today's raiding session. Two hours before raid, Luis ordered delivery. (Goofus: Waits until the appointed raid time, then tells everyone, "Hang on, I need to get food." Gallant: Orders food and eats in advance so he's ready to start on time....