Thinking about my last encounter with a cop. This was at the train station, pre-pandemic. I arrived at the station a bit early and decided to do a Pokemon Go raid. To reach the gym, you have to stand in a side passage near a service door, so I did that. Also, I was walking in place to farm Fitbit st...
11:13 PM Yesterday I made the terrible mistake of allowing digital devices with screens back into my room again. I was so drained of energy and felt like I was dying, that I said screw it, let me allow my phone into my room again, so I did. I brought my phone into my room and at first I was just ...
Hii journal, I think i have not written anything since sunday? saturday? I am pretty stressed and i am learning math all day so thats the reason. I also make sure to "journal" in my head before i go to sleep cause i think journaling helps me. It makes me feel some kind of comfort. I made all of my...
Hey.... yesterday i have completed my 10th day of journaling and that's a ecstatic feeling for me.....i never thought i would be maintaining my streak for more than 2 days but it just the beginning....there's a lot to come in life.... Everything is in place be it study, diet...but the primary goal ...
10:19 PM The more biographies I read of people, the more I learn their success wasn’t entirely accidental. Sure, a lot of luck was involved, but they also took needed steps to attain their success. I’m reading the autobiography of Jake Paul, him and his brother are practically undefeated in boxing,...
alternate entry titles: no salvation for the sons of man; full comboed by bats; the harbinger of your demise; party in bot lane; this is the end It hasn’t escaped my notice that my Snorlax has better meal planning than I do. I’ve mastered the art of low-effort meals that are just above the boy...
hey....the day was quite normal .... i studied as always for a good hours but still i feel i need to increase more productivity apart from quads cramp still persists thus making me fatigue quite fastly..just hoping that this cramp get recovered soon .....thats it for today
10:51 PM It took me 3 days of eating around 2000 calories per day to go from 162.9 pounds to 165.9 pounds. So I think after this fasting is over, I know that I'll rapidly gain weight back again, due to food being in my stomach and glycogen stores being replenished. I'll probably gain 5 pounds from ...
Hey, today's day was quiet cool... i restored my pace of studying where i studied for around 5 hours also i made a planning for a month of how will i execute things for wipro placement's all rounds... lets keep things finger crossed ..talking bout my diet its cool no processed foods, and talking bou...
9:25 PM Made it almost 50 hours of not eating anything. I stuck to my rules of no entertainment, and I'm not sure how I survived this entire day. All my biomarkers are very healthy. The only thing that I would say is unhealthy, is my VO2 max, which is not in the screenshot, but was at 38 the last ...
Hi journal! Today I was learning math all day. I am pretty tired but also I did great progress so i do not want to stop. I have an exam on wednesday. I AM SO SCARED TBH I think my overall mental health is okey rn. I am not really well, cause I feel tired and I want to cry all the time but It is no...
hey,, in my life everything i believe is going just the the routine which i lack in for now..but trying my best to strengthen the routine ...apart from this i have made a new commitment (company wipro) for which i gotta practice on daily basis till the online assessment which is happening ...