razanei's raiders

By Achaius

Flight Rising log. Not lore-based; just a place to post plans, hatchlings, and miscellaneous thoughts about the game.


March 2, 2025

February acquisitions: [+2, -0] yo?? a chill month?? My fodderlocke seems to be sating my need for novelty, which is great. Though it is funny both my keepers are the same sort of blue-green…I am nothing if not typical Bought: (1)
- Sigourney (Feb 22, 15kt) [progen g2]: male dusthide | splash disp...

Views: 9
Feb. 4, 2025

January acquisitions: [+6, -0] One dragon to match a skin, and five impulse fodder keeps. We are SO back. Bought: (4)
- Lothric (Nov? 10g-ish?): female pearlcatcher | obsidian piebald | obsidian eye spots | camo smirch
been a long time since I kept a fodder dragon specifically because an outfit look...

Views: 44
Jan. 9, 2025

December acquisitions: [+5, -4] Made it to the new year without getting any more g1s! Mostly because I decided to boon instead of hatch for the 100 mil event (nests are more cost efficient per ID and I don’t overly care about g1 status). Also did some minor housecleaning, so I almost broke even this...

Views: 39
Dec. 22, 2024

[Plans for future pack acquisitions] Been a long time since I’ve done a list like this! As a variety lair, I keep grabbing random dragons and neglecting the dragons I was vaguely planning to get “at some point.” So let’s make it less vague.
- Specific dragons:
Maboroshi, male imperial ultramarine/c...

Views: 54
Dec. 14, 2024

November acquisitions: [+8, -0] It’s the revenge of nodragontober!! I got EIGHT new dragons this month: three dragons due to the everlux release, two breeding project successes, a choir breeding pair, and an impulse keep. Guess my days of wild acquisitions are not over. Hoping to winnow things down ...

Views: 52
Nov. 1, 2024

October acquisitions: [0, -1] WE DID IT we made it through nodragontober!! Well, sort of…we have one maybe-keep born in October, and two holdovers from September. However, ice v. wind was a great incentive to say “you know what, I DON’T need the random cobalt double. BYE.” De-acquired: (1)
- Hallown...

Views: 65
Oct. 1, 2024

Okay. We got nine dragons last month. This is absolutely not sustainable. New plan. Ready for this? NO NEW DRAGONS IN OCTOBER. NODRAGONTOBER Of course we got exceptions. There are always exceptions. If any of these dragons show up, I can keep or buy them:
- x/cobalt/magenta soap male imperial of Raz...

Views: 100
Sept. 30, 2024

September acquisitions: [+9, -4] Another heavy variety month. We’ve got a breeding project success, a birthday dragon (self-hatched g1 double!!), two temporary breeders who turned out not to be temporary, a completely random 7-digit, and four Razanei descendants who decided to come with. (note: a fe...

Views: 68
Sept. 4, 2024

August acquisitions: [+7, -2] The magenta soap project hasn’t even concluded, but it has spawned four new keepers: Dippin’ Dots, Mirzzen, Amaranthe, and Arcadion. Truly this is a ruinous section of the color wheel. (editor’s note: Dippin’ Dots and Mirzzen aren’t even in the target section of the col...

Views: 104
Aug. 5, 2024

July acquisitions: [+5, -2] “What if I didn’t get any new dragons this month?” I thought. Then the truth-in-logging initiative caught up with me. Bought (1):
- Quatrain (July 21, 50kt): female fae | azure starmap | azure constellation | robin koi
[originally: skydancer, smirch]
This Franklin Expedi...

Views: 104
July 4, 2024

June acquisitions: [+9, -3] did I really say I was cultivating a more intentional lair ahahaha wharblgarbl *keeps boatloads of fodder* ALSO NEW MODERN WHOAAAA Bought (5):
- Marlamin (June 3, 5g): female aether | sky flaunt | rose flicker | grapefruit stained
[added: pastel eyes]
Big fan of sky flaun...

Views: 122
June 7, 2024

May acquisitions: [+9, -4] Mega variety month, from our first breeding project success (the long-awaited Razanei plushie) to a couple random coatl fodder saves. Come to think of it, even though I bill my lair as a big house of fodder, it’s been a while since I impulse kept any g+ fodder from AH. Dis...

Views: 131
May 12, 2024

April acquisitions: [+6, -1] whoaaa earth ancient! I was expecting a light ancient in June for BSJ, so this took me totally off guard. I think they’re mid (approximately sandsurge tier) but that didn’t stop me from immediately getting two of them (one clanbound, one purchase). Q: Why does it take so...

Views: 152
April 3, 2024

March acquisitions: [+4, -0] holy? an actual lowkey month?? Everyone this month is low-gen: two g1s, a g2, and a g3. I’m still not ever going to become a g1 lair, but we have been lowering the average. Bought: (3)
- Cymri (Feb 8, 4g) [g1]: male spiral | thistle flaunt | indigo malachite | navy glimm...

Views: 152
March 1, 2024

February acquisitions: [+12, -4] A heavy month, mostly due to keeping seven Razanei descendants. oops!! Unsustainable level of growth. I tried to counterbalance this by clearing out units from the back of the hibden. Instead, I found new appreciation for Arathenar and Valentino, and decided to make ...

Views: 172
Feb. 5, 2024

January acquisitions: [+8, -1] The Razanei Lineage Project that I made back in November is taking off! Okay, not really. It’s still mostly me & the crickets in the lineage topic. But I did keep six lineage pups myself to add to the growing collection of colorful icons. Bought: (1)
- Casimir (Jan 1, ...

Views: 181
Jan. 6, 2024

December acquisitions: [+8, -2] Was hoping to make December a lowkey month. It didn’t pan out. Only one of our new acquisitions was a g1 (and she was hatched before NotN), but seven out of eight were projects—everyone except our surprise meat cultist. Bought: (6)
- Alembic (Dec 3, 14g): male spiral ...

Views: 190
Dec. 15, 2023

November acquisitions: [+8, -2] Variety month! We’ve got a couple of impulse-acquired progen kids, two new nature ancients (and a bonus plague ancient who came with), a dragon kept for skin-matching, and a Light vs. Arcane rescue. When you think of it, I sent 189 dragons off to the war, and kept 8, ...

Views: 209
Nov. 18, 2023

October acquisitions: [+7, -2] The exciting event of the month was the Ice/Water war (the first war where I’ve gotten to chill and make stonks). Unleveled adult fodder were selling for nearly 13kt. Love getting unreasonable amounts of free money. There’s going to be a Light/Arcane war in late Novemb...

Views: 230
Oct. 22, 2023

September acquisitions: [+5, -0] Bought: (3)
- Belneiros (Sept 10, 41kt) [g1]: male wildclaw | blackberry pinstripe | denim constellation | copper capsule
[originally: triple basic noc]
g1 wildclaw!! an impulse buy for an impulse-bought skin, The Last Stop. (I already had the scroll from the last ti...

Views: 229
Sept. 7, 2023

August acquisitions: [+6, -1] An actual lowkey month, kinda. The big news is that I finally finished the Razanei descendant project by getting a sandsurge and a coatl. Now Razanei has a descendant of every breed in the game (until they introduce more). But will this stop me from making his descendan...

Views: 294
Aug. 10, 2023

July acquisitions: [+10, -1] It’s sandsurge + TCC month, and I went on a project spree. I really should go through the back of the hibden and see if there are less critical units I could be moving on. Bought: (5)
- Axel (June 23, 5kt-ish): male guardian | navy fern | plum flair | fuchsia runes

Views: 288
July 1, 2023

June acquisitions: [+8, -4] Going to start tagging progen descendants by how far descended they are from my progens. For instance, “G3 Razanei” is a grandkid of Razanei (but not necessarily an actual G3; they may have a much longer maternal bloodline). I will also continue to tag low-gens as G2, G3...

Views: 294
June 6, 2023

May acquisitions: [+7, -1] Lightning’s got a profit push this month, so it’s time to sort through my fodder and decide who to keep. In Wolvden I run a very lean den (31 permas, 25 of whom are hunters) and initially planned to do the same in Flight Rising. But it turns out that when freed from roles ...

Views: 292
May 3, 2023

April acquisitions: [+8, -3] Out of eight dragons I officially kept this month, five of them were full gene projects, and a sixth got capsule. It was an expensive month because I decided I needed a breeding pair with the new gem gene. Will I make any of that cash back? They’re currently nesting. Sta...

Views: 303
April 12, 2023

March acquisitions: [+8, -2] This was shaping up to be a quiet month until SUDDENLY NEW ANCIENT. I’m normally not into ancients (lack of customization will do that) but I’m charmed by these hyperactive lil space moths. I keep scrying my fodder as aethers and getting new project ideas. I have three ...

Views: 304
March 8, 2023

February acquisitions: Bought: (9)
- Venoshock (Jan 8, 5kt-ish): male spiral | leaf pharaoh | vermillion noxtide | cherry ringlets
Bought this guy as fodder. He looks like a plague hatchery pup, but his parents are wide-range.
I advertised him in the find-a-dragon forum and a guy named Vookaat said ...

Views: 322
Feb. 7, 2023

January acquisitions: Bought (5):
- Chime (Dec 6, 5300t): female skydancer | abyss tapir | phthalo striation | honeydew smoke
Funky girl. Another fodder fail. She made it through the NotN purge and all the way until our end-of-January profit push, so I’m making it official: she’s staying.

- Mira (J...

Views: 310
Jan. 4, 2023

December acquisitions: Finally it’s NotN time! As expected, this was a busier month for acquisitions. We only picked up two baby nocs (Spud and Aristide), but we also wound up keeping several longterm hibden residents (Tristezza and Chelic, born here, and Arpelia and Valentino, fodder buys). Bought ...

Views: 342
Dec. 10, 2022

November acquisitions: On paper, it was a lowkey month. Just five new dragons: a partner for Dantalion, and two new couples (Jimuro/Akinori, my undertide duo, and TURBOOOOO/Ayumi). The lowkey-ness may be a bit deceptive, since I’m stocking up on fodder for NotN and haven’t sorted out which hatchling...

Views: 329
Nov. 15, 2022

It’s interesting to see how my FR playstyle is influenced by my WD playstyle in regards to breeding and family trees. I joined WD in the era of Big Studs, when Sunfall and Faelor were in their heyday and it seemed like every other wolf was related to them and/or Michael Scott. The playerbase reacted...

Views: 331
Nov. 4, 2022

[Dragon spotlight: the Jiaozi/Syldrion clan] Jiaozi & Syldrion are two of my OG dragons. Jiaozi was my first adult dragon other than my progens (because you need 3 dragons to form a coli team), and I recently finished leveling him to 25 to be my golem workshop mage. Syldrion was bought soon after to...

Views: 345
Nov. 2, 2022

October acquisitions in review: I got a lot of pups this month. Eight outsiders, ten self-hatches. Species breakdown: 4 obelisks, 3 coatls, 2 wildclaws, 2 bogsneaks, 2 aberrations, an imperial, a skydancer, a mirror, a fae, and a banescale (breed changed). Gonna have to do some judicious den managem...

Views: 340
Oct. 18, 2022

There are two wolves inside of me and they’re both waiting for the re-release of wildclaw scrolls. No one knows when The Return will be, but it’s been nearly a year since they’ve been in stock, and people are predicting they may come back for Black Friday. Whenever it is, they’ll arrive with no warn...

Views: 324
Oct. 2, 2022

September acquisitions: Bought: (5)
- Rusalka (Sept 6, 9g): female imperial | eldritch starmap | mulberry bee | orca underbelly
Someone on the forums asked about the value of multigaze dragons, and I went to check the AH, and look! Right on the fodder floor! Starbee arcane multigaze with matching wi...

Views: 384
Sept. 7, 2022

Regrettably, I’ve kind of gotten into g1s. I don’t know how it happened, but I’ve accumulated four of them. They were all free or (in one case) extremely cheap. It’s a bit like Dad going to Meijer, seeing a sale, and coming home with 20 cans of garbanzo beans. What’s worse, endless garbanzo bean cur...

Views: 360
Aug. 31, 2022

August acquisitions: Bought: (7)
- Coyote [g1] (August 4, 5999t): female abbe | splash slime | lead noxtide | shadow glowtail
[originally: female mirror | splash basic | lead basic | shadow basic]
You know how it is: check out the fodder floor to get hatchlings for next week’s profit push, come home...

Views: 384
Aug. 1, 2022

In July I added 10 new permas. Not a problem for now—plenty of food to go around, and plenty of space in the hibden—but it’s an unsustainable level of growth. (Also why were so many of them coatls geez) This is an advantage of working with G1s: because they’re all projects, they take time to complet...

Views: 387
July 1, 2022

Even though I don’t have a formal family register, I’m going to keep track of all the new permas I get this month. Gotta see how fast my den is expanding. Will update throughout the month. Bought: (7)
- Ambergris (July 1, 7g): female abbe | cerulean pharaoh | cerulean sarcophagus | cyan polypore

Views: 387
June 20, 2022

[Plans for future pack acquisitions] in before I wing off and impulse buy/breed a bunch of permas totally not on this list lmao Breeding plans:
- [Razanei x Zanarkand]: Male with capsule (to breed change to spiral) (capsule on spirals is so good, you can see it pooling in both loops)

- [Nirbubg (da...

Views: 406
June 13, 2022

I’m not sure what to do with my money now that Razanei is fully gened. Getting him wasp + bee was my goal from the start of the game (and I didn’t think I’d accomplish it nearly this fast; all hail fest skin flipping) and I didn’t have anything lined up next. Well, okay, a couple things, but they ar...

Views: 392
June 2, 2022

[Post-Greenskeeper report] Greenskeeper Gathering ended last Sunday. Skin flipping wasn’t quite as profitable as I had expected. The marketplace skins all sold for 39-45g, except the male abbe skin which sold for 55g. (Contrast with Wavecrest, where the imp skins went for like 70-75g.) As for the Ba...

Views: 383
May 31, 2022

Another Flight Rising quirk: When selling a G1, the value goes way down if it’s been bred. I sort of get this one. When I was brand new to FR and going on my first day buying spree, one of the dragons that caught my eye was an adult male wildclaw, starcon (I think) with silver filigree. Very handsom...

Views: 386
May 29, 2022

So many pups to name. I’ve got Wolvden and Flight Rising pups to name and my name-well has run dry. Naming fodder pups in FR that are from my own lines is a lot more highkey than in Wolvden, because both the parents and the pups will live forever and all the names will remain in the family list fore...

Views: 376
May 12, 2022

It’s kinda fascinating how Flight Rising has a whole culture built up around G1s, but for totally different reasons than Wolvden. Wolvden’s NBW culture is based on stat and lineage concerns. It’s a point of pride among stat breeders to push the envelope as far as possible with every generation. Also...

Views: 380
April 25, 2022

Wavecrest is here! Surprisingly I haven't run out to buy any water dragons. Out of the skins I like, I'm saving the male and female imperial skins for future children of Yuanzhang/Galtan (or maybe just one skin for a child, and the other skin for their mate; I've got plenty of time to decide). I wen...

Views: 409
April 23, 2022

Got my coliseum team to max level! Still haven't fully outfitted them, but there's no rush. My goal is to have their battle builds complete before the May event.
- Razanei: Fully equipped and ready to go

- Yuanzhang:
Berserker - 25kt
Rally (for mire flying) - 70kt
Tincture of Dissolution - 30kt

- ...

Views: 378
April 18, 2022

[Squad introductions]
- Razanei (denim/jade/lemon mirror): My starter. Canonically Raubritter's son reincarnated as a dragon.* Planning to make him bee/wasp. He's the carry for my coli team (level 23, full stones).

- Chibundu (teal/maroon/thistle guardian): My starting companion. Nice colors if you...

Views: 438