11:48 PM (of Thursday, December 30th 2021) Today is Wednesday, December 29th 2021 and it was mostly the same as yesterday (Tuesday). I woke up and basically just played Disney Melee Mania again, doing 10 push ups after every game and not count how many I was doing. I would just log 10 push ups ever...
Yesterday I figured out how to do BE validation for my application. So 1 more step to finalization
11:07 PM I really hate being behind in my journal entries because I know there's several days now that I have to catch up on. I have to keep these events in my memory and it just gets harder and harder to recall events the more time that passes by. Anyway, I am rectifying this mistake now by just w...
So we are about to celebrate new year. But there are still things to do. I'm trying to finish my app. There are unobvious business flows that currently hinder from success launch. For today I'll try to resolve issue with trainings, it's a tough one. But we'll see
Dzień 5!! Jeszcze tylko dwa i po wyzwaniu. Ostatecznie myślę, że za dziennik powinnam zabierać się rano, gdy mam trochę więcej energii i nie staram się skończyć wszystkiego jak najszybciej. Dzień 5 był dobrym dniem. Pomijając skrócone pomodoro (ledwo wytrzymujący poł godziny pęcherz 😐😐) i sesje czy...
Few days left until new year Preparations and different tasks can appear overwhelming. I'm trying to finish my app now, not sure I'll make it in time, but we'll see
Prokrastynacja mnie kiedyś zabiję, jeśli mam być szczera. Nie odznacze tego zadania, to szczerze moja wina, że go nie wykonałam. Low Constitution Mode uderzy mnie po mordzie, ale to tylko 2 zadania, więc być może nie umrę. Stracę tylko część HP. Muszę pamiętać o limicie na aplikację, które mnie rozp...
This website (AYearAgo.Today) was once owned by a company called Megawatt Apps. The previous company Megawatt Apps and Stealth Launch were started by the same person. Megawatt Apps is being closed down soon so all of its products and assets (such as this website) are being transferred over to Stealt...
To cut matter short - Sunday :)
Dzień 3! Tym samym pierwszy dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia. Dzisiaj dopadła mnie senność, a ja nie zdołałam zdobyć "Perfect Day" w Habitice. Może to kwestia zarządzania moim czasem, a może i tak bym nie zdążyła, jeśli nie chciałabym się zajechać. Najprawdopodobniej się już tego nie dowiem, ale wciąż ...
Today I took part in an 1000 tons event :) we were doing squads, I lifted up 8 210 kg... and the rest of the day it was relax time and meeting friends
Christmas is here!! I am so happy, these past days have been going really great for me. My exams are starting on 28th December so I've been busy studying. This is my first exam for my first year, so I don't know how the questions are gonna be. Until now we had specified books for each subject (1 bo...