Bueno, creo que no tengo ningun articulo en español, y me averguenzo mucho por ello. Hoy me di cuenta que fueron ya varios años desde la ultima vez que cante el himno nacional de mi Pais (Guatemala, patojo!). Yo diria que mas de 2 años sin siquiera escucharlo. Wow, que verguenza la mia. Pero, habla...
This day wasn't so productive but rebellious I've met a young talented artist, who liked to draw on the wall not only in notebooks. After the English Olympiad I was securing while she drew her oc on the wall. I thought that my life wasn't such revolutionary until this day Later we went shopping and ...
Acordei hoje 11h, me arrumei e fui pra casa do meu Padrinho. Aniversário da minha prima mais velha, 15 anos, Renata. Foi um churrasco dos grandes ! Comecei a comer assim que cheguei e quando deu no almoço, já tava quase sem espaço na barriga. Sobremesa foi o pavê top da vovó, comi que entupi. Carmen...
2020/02/26 Wednesday I was surprised when I opened the door outside. It was snowing. My mother had said that yesterdasy, but you could never trust those forecasts on the phone. The schoolbus didn't come and Jana's mother couldn't drive so we had to stay at home. The normal bus to Rade drove anothe...
I really hope I don't run out of subjects to talk about. Naaa, I'm sure It won't happen. Today I was reviewing my google photos account (Love google) and it showed me the "what you did this date last year". I really love those ones because right now its showing me the great times I had in Boulder Co...
For the most part, we’re a tight-knit group; we’re used to doing all serious content together. But Kan is used to pugging all new content on release, and we can’t exactly ask him to give up his pug lifestyle just because he joined our static. A couple days ago, Kan walked into the static house pum...
Acordei hoje quase 16h. Fiquei sem sair da cama, só curtindo a preguiça. Aí pouco tempo depois minha vó chega de viagem e começa uns preparativos na cozinha. Mais tarde eu descubro que ela estava preparando o Lendário Pavê dela. Aí quando ela finalmente saiu da cozinha, pude sair da minha caverna qu...
Hi! So, as my first entry, i should explain to you and myself why am i even doing this. i've started a new challenge at Habitica, took one challenge to keep writing a diary at this site. also, I've always wanted to have one but i haven't much time :( firstle i need to call this so i wouldn't forget ...
2020/02/25 Tuesday We had school unlike a lot of the other schools. The busses were empty they said. But VWL was off because it had been delayed to Thursday. I actually wanted to play the flute today but I totally forgot! I puzzled the whole time with "Jigsaw" . Then I just wanted to start a puzzle...
Right now, I am reading interesting information about the city of Miyake-jima, a small inhabited volcanic island in the Izu archipelago in the Philippine Sea. It is a Japanese city exists at the base of an active volcano that releases lethal levels of sulfuric gas at regular intervals. Yet, people s...
Ok, so let's see how fast can I actually type here. We'll, today I wanted to talk about leadership. Leadership, the skill that everybody teaches, but not everybody want to learn, moreover, almost no one wants to practice. I believe this is one reason why solo-entrepreneurs, or small companies are mu...
11:25 am I had to return several of the books I had with me after realizing I wasn't making a dent in any of them. At present I keep two: Italo Calvino's The Path to the Spider's Nest (which I'm still reading the preface of) and Christy Marx's Writing for Animation, Comics, and Games (which I kept w...